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  1. B

    SIP thread -- (Sub-Irrigated Planter)

    At the bottom? No, just use the soil mix but pack it tightly around the irrigation. Might be best to pack it wet.
  2. B

    Feeding Coconut Water and Aloe up til flower

    Jobe's fertilizer spikes have tested with extremely high levels of heavy metals due to contamination from hazardous waste recycling loopholes. We're talking ppms of lead, arsenic, cadmium, etc. in the hundreds and sometimes thousands. All of the Jobe's Organics products are in play here. Kellogg...
  3. B

    When's the Right Time to Top-Dress?

    Seems I can no longer edit but I'd like to correct myself: It's not that OMRI is knowingly certifying materials made with hazardous waste ingredients, it's that it's possible for 'recycling' bound hazardous waste to never be designated as such- meaning it's not registered and tracked (as is...
  4. B

    When's the Right Time to Top-Dress?

    I would not use Jobe's products for cannabis. ESPECIALLY SPIKES. In my research I have found them to be high in heavy metals. Fertilizers are one of the preferred methods of 'hazardous waste recycling' (look it up) and a number of Jobe's retail products have tested into the thousands of ppm for...