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  1. rnint

    First Grow In Canada, input/advice appreciated!

    Update 30/01/2020 So my roommate just brought home a load of clones with the worst spider mite infestation I've ever seen. Ive got neem oil and soap that im spraying them all down with and ive got a fan on them to try and keep the population from growing. For now I'm just keeping them in little...
  2. rnint

    First Grow In Canada, input/advice appreciated!

    Coco was great, I found it really easy to use and it was a massive bonus when I was growing strictly indoors in my tiny little apartment cos it never attracted bugs or anything. But now I live outside the city I figured its a good time to try more organic growing to see how it compares and I...
  3. rnint

    First Grow In Canada, input/advice appreciated!

    Thanks for the comment! I was just thinking about how everyone says FFOF is a bit hot for seedlings so was considering using this to plant in for now and then to pot them up with the FFOF/perlite mix URL incase the link doesnt work ->...
  4. rnint

    First Grow In Canada, input/advice appreciated!

    So for cotext I have grown before but it was in the UK and I almost always grew with coco and pretty much exclusively canna hydro nutes so it was very monotonous. Having recently moved to Canada (Vancouver Island) I'm starting a new grow with my new room mate and the plan is to try and go a bit...
  5. rnint

    Starting back up again!

    @Dr. Who Thanks for all the input mate, I've been looking through the seedbanks you mentioned and yeah it all looks pretty cool. Sorry it took me a while to reply by the way I've been having mad computer problems. Couple questions though if you dont mind me asking, do you have any suggestions...
  6. rnint

    Starting back up again!

    So a while ago I had to shut down my grow (life just got a bit crazy and I just didn't have the time really to keep it going). But now things have chilled out a bit and so I'm starting it back up again, I'm probably going to run my grow in coco with canna coco A/B nutrients just because I know...
  7. rnint

    Liter of Light

    Yeah that's what I thought, obviously you could try to use the smallest amount of water and bleach possible but still I hear you. But I was thinking if I abuse the concept a little and just use a jig saw to cut the perimeter of the plastic sheets to make it shaped kind of like a saw-tooth blade...
  8. rnint

    Shopping for tents - Advice

    Also if your main concern is just light proofing it that's manageable with some common sense, a roll of mylar and some velcro. Just make a frame with the mylar joining to the inside of the cupboard and stick another sheet of mylar to it on one side and put the velcro around the rest of the frame...
  9. rnint

    Liter of Light

    So I came across this ( a while ago and just found it again and was wondering if anyone had tested its actual effect on the quality of light that comes out at the other end. I feel like this could be used to focus the light of a large amount of LED's...
  10. rnint

    Quiet fans

    Just for future reference I used a RVK sileo 125E fan and it worked great, kept my temps down to 23C and I could run it at about half speed so it was almost totally silent, the wooden cupboard also made it a lot quieter cos although it might amplify bass a fair bit I could no longer hear the...
  11. rnint

    Quiet fans

    Yeah I know man it sketches me out a lil bit not going to lie but the place where I live with the amount I grow and the fact that its all personal use means that the worst I get is a fine which isnt too bad, also I have good relationships with my neighbours and stuff and never get any complaints...
  12. rnint

    Changing nutes from canna in coco

    So I'm pretty sure im going to change my nutes this run just because of how expensive/diluted canna nutes are. Im growing in canna + coco which is pretty decent as far as I can tell and I've still got a bunch left so I'm going to continue using that unless theres some reason not to but yeah I...
  13. rnint

    Quiet fans

    Thanks for the ideas guys ill look into the hyper fans and max fan pro Pretty sure that depends on the type of wood doesnt it? Cos ive made boxes to silence things like my old shop vac before out of MDF and it did a pretty good job, the cupboard I got is made of some kinda composite chipboard...
  14. rnint

    Quiet fans

    So I have to move my set up around cos I had a new roommate move into the room that has the grow (Ive known him for ages and he was the only guy apart from my other roommate who knew about my grow so no issues with privacy or anything) but he has his gf around a lot and shes bitching about the...
  15. rnint

    Buying seeds

    yeah herbies ftw theyre awesome and have a great selection plus you can get individual seeds from their pick'n'mix thing if you want to be cheap but want more than 1 strain
  16. rnint

    First closet grow

    depends on what method of training you do, low stress training like just tying the plant down or scrogging it are fine other methods like topping and supercropping are really best left to veg cos its kinda just a lot for a plant to deal with (although they bounce back pretty fast). Anything is...
  17. rnint

    First closet grow

    have you got any form of odour control or anything for later though? Cos thats going to stink your room up especially when drying and stuff, since your grow is so small and you need noise control I wouldnt go for a carbon filter unless you have to cos they will mean you need a stronger fan and...
  18. rnint

    250W Closet Grow - vertical experiment

    So heres just a little update cos im havin a J and I felt like I could take a lil break from stuff for a moment. I've harvested another clone of the Acapulco Gold and left it to dry on the plant for about a week, it smells lemony as fuck right now which is kinda tripping me out because the...
  19. rnint

    First attempt, many mistakes to come

    Well at least your learning, should be getting a decent crop out of the pineapple but with the flavour and smell all of that really comes from a proper dry and cure. I leave mine to dry for a week and cure for 2 more weeks before I start on it, but also I already have cured bud from previous...
  20. rnint

    250W Closet Grow - vertical experiment

    Just realised I should also say as far as I can tell the vertical closet grow experiment has been a success, I've managed to get by with next to no bleaching or burning on the plants (accidentally touched a bud with the cooltube while the light was on while I was shifting shit around to get the...