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  1. ceed117

    Whats worse?: Hangovers or weed recovery??

    i understand what u mean with alchohol only feeling good half the time wen ever i go to partys and see all the people wasted i just say to myself wow they look like assholes but w.e im stoned its amazing and i never have a weed "hangover" to say thats also wat makes weed so much better in my...
  2. ceed117

    Bong ideas?

    now i gotta get me a dub and try some new teas i never even thought about it
  3. ceed117

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    thank you i wish i checked this sooner i transplanted it into a larger pot and it died on me this never happend to me before thx tho
  4. ceed117

    Here to help... Ask me anything

    i have a new seedling about a inch tall first set of real leafs are adout inc and a half across each its a week old and hasnt gotten much taller y is this
  5. ceed117

    seedling groth stunted help!!!!!!!!!!

    my seedling is like 1 week old not growing its about a inch tall has the first set of real leafs and new ones starting from the inside it has been this same hight for the past 4 days i have it alone under 2 (idk higher than 30) watt CFLs in a aluminum room i water it a little once a day just to...