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  1. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    you have much knowledge , oh wise one. reductions in place, time will tell
  2. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    my reader is not that acurate. only 100ppm at time. you say 200-250-300 and so on but i am using cana a +b and instructions are german, i know you have to add the same of each.says76ml for a 42lt tank but most folk say only use a 1/4 of that to start of plants and developed
  3. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    do you think that is a 'little'nuit burn... it looks like a lot to me. i have brought ppm down to 300 and 24 hours later here are pics .(before i brought the ppm down).remeber there is no soil,rockwool etc just pure hydrotron only .i dont want the roots to dry out so i water alot, so they...
  4. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    thanks for the input. everything was going fine untit late. was on 200ppm but i thought they might be at a stage where i could increase the was the oldest most developed plant that got it first so i flush a redid res. but added more nuits as i thought it was a nuit deficancy. any and all...
  5. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    thanks for the reply,i was wondering if i would get one. i have lowered the ppm to 400 by adding more water to the res, i will add more water to lower it still and see how it goes. they look like they are getting worse, so i will do this right away would 200ppm be the right amount...
  6. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    UPDATE Added another 20 lts water to lower the ppm to almost ½ to 400ppm ph 5.6 Not seeing improvement – younger plants and smaller leaves now showing signs of yellow edges: SEE NEW PICS - taken with different lights (not hps)
  7. M

    nuit burn of perhaps deficiency or temp low PH

    anyone know what is happen with these.? hydro setup -medium – hydroton 100% nothing else 10 days old Nuits - 50ml canna a+b - 100ml rhiztonic Ppm 700 Res ph 5.5 (calibrated) in clean res. 1 day old – // [[tap water (pre-nutes/ph levelled) = ph 8.6 / 0 ppm]] temp 22c to 29c light...