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  1. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    It had a shitload of pistils, and then one morning they were all gone. I posted another thread about them and I believe that they have all washed away because of so much hard rain. It had a shitload of pistils and have been flowering for about 2 months but eventually they were just gone. Who knows?
  2. M

    Finished Product.

    This grow season was tuff as shit. So much rain, rot. Alot of times I would walk outside and each one of my plants would be laid flat out on the ground. Kinda like a unintentional supercrop. If you live in the east. Sure. Im a social smoker. I believe it was just from the cold. All of...
  3. M

    Finished Product.

    Harvested one of my plants today. It experienced a cold weather shock and stopped growing or was growing to slow for me to realize. I know I could have done a better job trimming....first time. This is bag seed, 58th day of flowering. Was planted july 14th and transplanted 3 times and...
  4. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

  5. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    bump for not much help ever......
  6. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    bumppppp for some more opinions before it gets too cold.
  7. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    bump....added more pics
  8. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    I posted a link to the pics in my first post. CLick the link and lemme know what you think please.
  9. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    hmmm. Will do then I guess.
  10. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    Bump for more pics.
  11. M

    Should I harvest tonight??

    Tonight is supposed to be 32 degrees in the PA area, but it is supposed to feel like 26 degrees at the coldest. It will be this cold for about 6 hours (26-32). I am on day 57 of flowering. I need to know if they can survive the night or not. They have not experienced a night this cold yet. They...
  12. M

    Helpp....Is this a Hermi??? I really need help

    The fan leaves are no curled. It is suppose to feel like 32 degrees tonight. I think im a just take her down cause shit is planted directly in the ground so I cannot move her. I would rather cut her down now rather than lose her to frost. I dont have a microscope but does she look about done?
  13. M

    Helpp....Is this a Hermi??? I really need help

    I considered that was well. I have 9 plants planted and this is the only one which is purple, with purple buds that look like that. I figured it could be cold weather shock and I know every strain is different but I just think that its weird that only 1 out of the bunch would be effected And...
  14. M

    Helpp....Is this a Hermi??? I really need help

    Thanks! We have been getting a ton of rain so that is possible. I am wondering if too much Nutes could have had anything to do with it as well. I used blooming formula twice and then stopped because it was like 10-50-15 or something O.D like that.
  15. M

    Helpp....Is this a Hermi??? I really need help

    60 degrees during the day and around 40 at night. Not freezing yet. Near the PA/NY area.
  16. M

    Helpp....Is this a Hermi??? I really need help

    One of my plants from some bag seed. The bud spots on it just look very different. Was this plant pollinated perhaps? It had hairs but it really does not have them anymore. It has a lot of crystals and purple bud. I searched the sites and could not find any pics similar to the ones i took, even...
  17. M

    Flowering Pics & question about purple plant.

    your plant looks healthy but coloring can indicate deficiency. But at this time you should be flushing them anyway. When is last time you added nutes?
  18. M

    Flowering Pics & question about purple plant.

    bummpp it uppppp
  19. M

    Flowering Pics & question about purple plant.

    Hey first time grower here. Its fall my plants are still outside and the highs are around 60 degrees sunshine/rain. They were transplanted straight into the ground and were a lil shocked but still recovered. One Plant turned completely purple, all of the buds did as well. there is still a...
  20. M

    First time Grower Pics. Flowering.
