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  1. o2ez

    Light my plant randomly? (read)

    its like 2 weeks i think or 3 maybe. and my dad..
  2. o2ez

    Light my plant randomly? (read)

    Okay i usually light my plant for 18 hours a day. but i do like 3 hours here then 3 hours of dark cuz i have to hide it from people inside my house. Is it bad to do light here and there.. Or as long as it gets 18 hours it doesnt matter? please help! thanks so much.. here is a updated pic i took...
  3. o2ez

    Seed Germination And Sprout Journal

    xstrain kush right? its grapefruite kush so i dont know strains im a newbie haha
  4. o2ez

    How Does My Plant Look?

    LMAO you made my night. ahah thanks. How far above the soil should my plant be?its like 3/4th of a inch out of that okaY?
  5. o2ez

    How Does My Plant Look?

    I made the wont beleive it ha.
  6. o2ez

    Seed Germination And Sprout Journal

    This is my first grow.The begining sucks but the ending is pretty good During the "Germination"process, I forgot about my seeds in the paper towl and they sprouted this far. Then,I burried it like so. Made her room Sprouts! Lookin Fresh! What do you guys...
  7. o2ez

    How Does My Plant Look?

    I probabl;y will start a journal, this is my first time EVER growing so i dont want to get over confident.. we wil se what happens. Thanks guys for the help
  8. o2ez

    How Does My Plant Look?

    Hey guys. This is my Grapefruite Kush plant. Tell me how it looks. Is it growing properly and look healthy?
  9. o2ez

    Does my plant look okay?

    Its about 1 week old indoor grown with 1 46w flourecent light.Waterd little every other day. Gets 16 hours of light a day..Grapefruite Kush. Does it look okay? (HIGH QUALITY PICS)
  10. o2ez

    Does my plant look sick?(High quality PIC)

    Its about 1 week old indoor grown with 1 46w flourecent light.Waterd little every other day. Gets 16 hours of light a day..Grapefruite Kush. Does it look okay? (HIGH QUALITY PICS)
  11. o2ez

    Whats The Best Lighting Possible For Growing?

    I have started to grow and my grapefruite Kush plant is 1/2 inch above soil. Right now i use a 26W flourecent light or something and then a 14W soft white light. I need a light that would be hte best OVERALL. My budget on a light alone is 100$. What is the best possible light i can get for my...
  12. o2ez

    How much water for thise new plant (1/2 inch out of soil)

    I dont know if its a she or a he so yeahh. But just keep the soil moist? like how much we talkin the pot is 6 inches deep (5 inches full of soil) and 8 inches a cup of water or how much..
  13. o2ez

    How much water for thise new plant (1/2 inch out of soil)

    Okay my baby Grapefruite Kush seed is about 1/2 inch out of the soil and reachin for the sky. how much water should i give him? Its one plant indoor grown. Temp is around 80 degress and I got a 26W light on it..( i need more i know) But how much ater and should i get a spray bottle too...
  14. o2ez

    what type of lights are the best (out of theese 3)

    I have 3 of each of those. Which ones work the best tho *the ones out of the pic* Right now i am using the 75w blue flourecent light and it gets hot fast. suggestions to this one?and which one is the best out of my posted 3?
  15. o2ez

    First time grower (lights) everything

    Everything for this plant is from around the house exept soil and Superthrive. I dont know what kind of lights they were thats why i jhave a pic askin whats the best. and for that little sprout in the dirt, how much should i water it for the first week? thanks
  16. o2ez

    First time grower (lights) everything

    Hey guys. I recently recieved a Grapefruite Kush seed and heres how it came along. Step 1. i germinated the seed, and waited a little but too long but hopefully it works. Step 2. I planted the seed like so. then...
  17. o2ez

    Super thrive on soil?

    I have Miricale-Gro "moist Control"soil and a Blue flourecent bulb. Should that work? and in a 240ml of water, how much super thrive should i put in my soil for my plant. less than a drop in a 240ml thing of water (a water bottle) I heard this soil will burn my plants..what should i do help me...
  18. o2ez

    I waited too long hows that look
  19. o2ez

    I waited too long

    it says soft white light or something like that..
  20. o2ez

    I waited too long

    okay from my last post here you go. I had waited a little to long on planting it because i forgot about my poor seed. here is how i got it looking now tell me when you think. Now with the step i am at i burried it 1/2 inch deep, should i water it or what. should i give it sunlight/ help haha...