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  1. EC ILLA

    1st Grow 210Watts CFL Bagseed

    Girl's looking good. I wouldn't transplant again especially while flowering. Wouldn't want to stress her out now. You should be perfectly fine w/ 5 gal.
  2. EC ILLA

    What do you want to munch on right now?

    That pitbull burger sounds delicious!! I could go for a Carl's Jr. guacamole six dollar burger Mmmm
  3. EC ILLA

    5 Days into flowering... Is this normal?? *PICS*

    Those are gonna grow up to be beauties!
  4. EC ILLA

    Wanting to join the cannibis industry

    Sounds like you're dedicated.... good luck!
  5. EC ILLA

    Preflowers - Is it normal to have just one?

    yeah that's normal. hope it's a fem :D
  6. EC ILLA

    Top when lights are on or off?
