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  1. L


    There is just too many variables to answer how much you will harvest. Try searching that srain and see if there are any grow journals for it. It will probably not "need" nutes until flower. If its autoflower, which i believe it is, you should get some Y splitters that allow 2 lights in one...
  2. L

    Whats wrong with this Afghan bitch?

    I got the same shit going on. Im like a week or 2 away from harvest so Ive given up on trying to fix it. When I first noticed the spots I flushed and flushed. At first my run out was 4.7 but Ive been able to keep it at 6-6.4. Then added some lime but it still spread. Now I have no real big...
  3. L

    7 week old dwarf tips bend upwards???

    I got a 7 week old red dwarf that is looking great. Growing in FF potting mix and Ive been doing FF trio 1/4-1/2 nutes everyother watering. Fan leafs are very green and healthy looking but the tips are bent pointing up but still appears healthy. Ph'd wallmart baby water to 6.3-6.5. Buds are...
  4. L

    my plant is fucked..some one please help

    it still looks pretty green......only time will tell. how hot did it get in there???
  5. L

    Help Soil PH Water Run Off is 4.9-5.0 After Much Flushing, Now What?

    Yup I got purple leaf stems too.....I was just going to post it but I actually read all the inbetween posts and saw that you addressed that already. Ok so Ill add some lime in the going to flush a little more and re-test the ph. If all is stable in the 6-6.5 area should I...
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    Please help.....its spreading daily

    Thanks for the info. Now that Ive flushed and things seem a bit more stable should a feed her? The brown spots and rusty colored leaf death is still spreading. The buds look great and are still growing new life but the fan leaves really are looking bad. I dont want to loose this plant for...
  7. L

    Please help.....its spreading daily

    she is in her 3rd week of flower. Im using Fox Farms potting mix and Fox Farms GB, BB, TB. I have over 200 watts of mainly 2700k cfls and a few 6500k. First noticed this about a week ago and thoiught nothing of it. Now it has consumed 3 full fan leaves and 2 more are looking damn bad...
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    Help Soil PH Water Run Off is 4.9-5.0 After Much Flushing, Now What?

    did you have any problem with the leaves kinda spotting, turning a rusty-like color. It seems like its starting on the bottom and moving up. Thanks for any input you can add QUOTE=OpTikPhiber;3189626]Well I have two gallons of "lime juice" sitting overnight. Turns out the lime pellets...
  9. L


    Yes Fox Farms nutes and fox farms potting mix. Ive been using tap distilled. tap ph'ed at 8.4 and with tiger bloom and big bloom I would ph to 6.2-6.5. A#1. I am now, as of today, Im using spring water from the grocery store. It ph'ed at 7.0. Flushed with 3-4 gals and runoff started at...
  10. L

    Help Soil PH Water Run Off is 4.9-5.0 After Much Flushing, Now What?

    well lets team up and tackle this. Im in the 3rd week of flower...what about you. Since I posted earlier the "desease" as spred up to the next level of the fan leaves. Ive been cutting them off, so far 3 leaves, once they got so crispy that there was no chance for revival. I dont have...
  11. L

    Help Soil PH Water Run Off is 4.9-5.0 After Much Flushing, Now What?

    im just started ph'ing my runoff. ive been getting brown spots and sort of a rust colored leaf ends. its starting at the botton and seems to be working up. neways, trying to narrow the suspects i ph'ed the runoff started at 5.1 and after flushing with 6.8 water its up to 6 after about 3-4...
  12. L


    I have the same rust colored shit on a few leaves of mine too. I was just looking thru the plant problems section but there is just so many symptoms that look alike. Im using the FF trio for nutes.....doesnt that have evrything mari needs?
  13. L


    its on the top mounted vertically, right in the middle. Thanks for the repbongsmilie
  14. L


    Thanks.....all only cost about $200 with seeds. I have another false bottom floor so then I will have 2 in flower at once. What about the zip ties for the lst?
  15. L


    Ive been reading for awhile just made an account and started posting and thought that Id like to share what I got going on. What do you all think? The bigger one came out of some bag i got that supposed to be sour deisel. I dont know if it was but it was def something. 2 weeks into...
  16. L

    Buddha Seeds Red Dwarf

    I have a 2 week old red dwarf and its about half the size of yours. Its looks real good.....what soil/nutes are you using:confused: Im on FF potting soil and shes going to get her first dose of FF nutes this weekend. Im interested to see how yours flowers:blsmoke: Scribedbongsmilie
  17. L

    Need some input (pics)

    Yup, i think we all have OCC lol. I have to put sunglasses on so when I leave the room Im not walking into walls.:mrgreen:
  18. L

    1st time aero grower??????

    I made a single plant aero grower and the plant is abot 3 weeks in and looking good but the roots are long enuf that they are in the water. May I say that the DIY on the site is great!! Its a 5 gal. bucket and a submersible water pump, 3" net basket and FF nutes. Its that ok if the are in...
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    Is my plant almost ready for harvest?

    what do you mean by flushing? like flushing for nute burn? sorry of its a dumb question:peace:
  20. L

    Might have damaged roots???

    I transplanted yesterday and when I did I felt some roots tear, it wasnt much becuase I looked into the soil for roots any only found a little. I kept all the roots in a ball as best I could.:joint: But since then the plant looks very saggy and overwatered but it only gets watered 3x every 2...