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  1. B

    My Durban Poison should be in 3 months of flowering but they haven't flowered at all?

    Based on the pics i am assuming your grow is outdoors. If this is the case you really just have to let mother nature take its course. You kind of planted at the wrong time since the amount of light is getting longer, unless your in the southern hemisphere. Unfortunately they may not start...
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    Problem!!! almost a month into flowering and still no buds or pistils

    man sticky your a fuckin idiot. Here people are trying to prove why pot should be legal and your going around and stealing shit from other people so you can grow it. Giving potheads a bad name. Anyway in my opinion you should be kicked off of this website. Your a terrible example for what...
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    Hey, Honestly i would be willing to be that "your frined" is overwatering them. Despite what you think i almost guarantee that is the problem. If not, it has to do with over nutes. If you are POSITIVE it cant be from too much water, flush the plants and give them strait water (no nutes)...
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    Need sum pro help plzz

    Hey man, 90% sure your problem is from overwatering. Also i would definately back off on the nutrient concnetration rather than increase. I currently had the same problem twice with the same crop and the fix was simply cutting back on waterings and giving it some pure water to flush the nutes...
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    over watering??? pics

    yea man definately hold out on watering atleast until the plats have rejuvinated themselves. Are you growing with hydro or soil?
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    need help i just got an apartment

    Ps you should buy one with something to protect against smell or else build it with that in mind
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    need help i just got an apartment

    Hey man, I am currently living in an apartment and am growing several plants in my closet. The key is building a grow BOX. I just bought one off of homegrown hydroponics but they are fairly expensive. If you can afford it it is definately worth it. But if not you should be able to set...
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    stealth pc case

    hey you want a variation in night temperature and day temperature. Honestly a twenty degree variation isn't incredibly too much. Your plants will PROBABLY be fine with it. But no guarantees. If anything i agree that i would focus on dropping the day temp more so than keeping it warm at night.
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    over watering??? pics

    Yea man, Just get those things aired out a bit. Dont water them at all again untill they perk back up. Mine did the same thing on two occasions. Another thing you might want to watch is nutes. If your using any at all i would reccomend extremely dilute concentrations. good luck.
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    hey riad, How do you know the preflowers are female. Mine aren't showing the sacs so i am assuming they are female but i also dont really see any white hairs yet either.
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    unfortunately i cant do that because they are all growing in a single bucket DWC system.
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    yea i guess i will let them go a couple more days under 12/12, it just seems odd to me that three of the six started flowering a week ago, and are really starting to bud. If i do decide to swtich to 12 12 does anyone know how much that will decrease the lifespan of my ones that are flowering...
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    Yea i dont really know what to do. The six plants are growing in a single grow box and they are all in a single DWC system, with the roots all entangled and what not. I kinda just want to hack the two down and give the other four a little bit of extra room but i dont neccesarily know how to go...
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    Hey man i appreciate your input. Do you think i should try switching to twelve twelve for like a day or two just to dtermine sex? Or should i just trash the other two. It seems so hard to believe that ordering seeds from reputable suppliers (attitude seed co) you would get two shit plants...
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    Hey man, auto flowering means that the plant will start flower based on age not light cycle. Look it up on google and you can find all sort of info on "autoflowerers". Furthermore, Lowryder 2 are supposed to show the autoflowering trait 100% of the time. With all this being said i think that...
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    Lowryders not flowering after 32 days!

    Man i am currently having the EXACT same problem. The seeds i bought were feminised lowryder 2's. They are exactly a month old (yesterday). I am growing six plants total, and four of them have been budding strongly for the past week. However the other two (one of which is my biggest plant)...
  17. B

    Late flowerer's. Help!

    I planted seven lowryder 2's about 4 weeks ago. The seeds planted were feminised but came from different seed banks. 4 of the plants started flowering right on time (a week ago) and all look very nice. However two of my plants (including my biggest one) dont really seem to be flowering. It...