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  1. S

    Trying to grow in jan?

    tokes is right, sun's uv goes through clouds. you probably won't get as good of a batch as planting them april-july. i just planted my batch outside and it's slowly growing. the only thing is it's raining a lot in north cali and it's getting way too cold. try to insulate your plants if possible.
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    08 Grow, Any ideas when i should harvest (pics)

    give it at least a month and a half.
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    ok i live in LA

    I grew some kush june-late early november and it was great batch. i germinated some seeds in late december and i planted that outside in a nursery and it's sprouting. since it's really cold now in california i don't think this batch will be nearly as good as the summer time. i say you just plant...
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    flowering stage problem

    i hope it's just a signal that it's almost time to harvest. the bugs aren't doing much on the weed. they are just chillin on my buds. this plant is organic kush and i don't really want to use chemicals on it. I guess i just deal with the bugs but thanks for the information.
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    flowering stage problem

    oh yeah i do kill them and their eggs. but they are too small to see sometimes and they like to hide inside the bud and lay eggs. i try to take out the eggs but some are too hidden and i don't want to harm the bud and remove trichomes.
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    flowering stage problem

    my plant has been flowering for about 45 days now, but I've noticed that it doesn't look healthy anymore. Some of the leaves started to turn brown and looks burnt, and as you can see in the picture some steam ends of the leaves are cracking open and looks as if its going to fall off. I'm not...
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    How to cool down you grow room.

    you can probably drape a net (the net that is often used for screen doors) over the door opening with the door opened, and roll up the net whenever you need to water the plant or close the door. position the fan in the back left corner and facing outwards so the air goes out the door and if you...
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    Closet grow

    the extra space i have in my closet is about 4 1/2 feet tall and 3 1/2 wide. do you guys have any suggestions how my set up should be and what things to get? I have a cord that has 3 sockets that could be plugged into. I want to grow with soil, since i grew outdoors this summer.
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    harvest time?

    here is a pic of one of the flowers that are on the plant (following the question above): will these flowers pollinate my other female plant thats right next to it? some of you state that this plant is a hermie, and some just say it's a false pregnancy. i have read other articles saying that...
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    harvest time?

    i have a plant that is starting it's flowering stage and this hermie plant is planted right next to it. will the flowers on this hermie plant turn the other female plant into a hermie as well?
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    harvest time?

    i don't think my plant will ever look like that.
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    early flowering?

    i use kelloggs organic garden soil. but i heard you suppose to mix garden soil with regular soil. i just put straight kelloggs garden soil.
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    early flowering?

    so it's been around 1 and half months since the plant germinated, and the plant is pre-flowering already. is it because it's close to fall season? will the plant grow any taller, it's only around 26 inches, and will the plant lack thc. one last question..being a total noob dumbass, i planted...
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    harvest time?

    quick update on the plant. more pistils are turning red and crystals are forming thicker on the buds. but i have another question, are the flower looking thing pollinate my other plant? or are they harmless. i have pics to show:
  15. S

    harvest time?

    i don't think it's a false seed, i'm not sure though. i picked the pointed pods and seeds were in there. it's weird because some of the pods when squeeze came out juices.
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    harvest time?

    well the ball looking thing with pointy ends has a seed inside of it when i picked it off the bud. i'm pretty sure it's a seed but i'm not 100% sure. when i cut open the ball, i see a white thing, which i think is the stem if germinated.
  17. S

    harvest time?

    does still still apply to hermies, but doesn't hermies produce less resin to make the seeds. if you guys didn't know this is a hermie. another thing, should i stop giving it molasses. i read somewhere i should stop giving it molasses after a while in flowering. thank you in advance.
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    harvest time?

    should i harvest the buds that turned red hairs right now and wait for the others later?
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    harvest time?

  20. S

    harvest time?

    it's about 4 1/2 weeks into flowering stage now and i don't know if i should harvest the plant or not. most of the buds have crystals but some have only little. some buds have red hairs already but some (mostly on top of the plant) still is mostly white. should i start harvesting soon, or should...