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    Plant pics / Grower reccomendations

    Lookin frosty for what your lights are, nice job bro, ive never gotten into LEDs but someday I will dabble in it, so much power and heat go into HPS/MH bulbs
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    Plant pics / Grower reccomendations

    Hey guys just thought id start a little thread where we can show off our plants and others can give feedback on what they think or even helpful tips on what might make the dank, danker.:joint: il start off by showing my main girl In flowering 1 month in 1000W HPS
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    Best organic mix for soil

    Hello I am currently on my 3 harvest, Im growing indoor and wanted to know the best combination of things to get and the process to go through to get the best organic soil you could hope to grow with, I know bat guano as well as some worm castings are obvious ingredients but I am utterly...
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    Questions on harvesting my plant

    Hello this only plant is my second grow, its been flowering for quite a while, I have not been keeping track but I can guarantee that it is atleast 2 months, Anyway my question is, I have a bunch of good looking ripe for the picking nugs, orange hairs everywhere, but I also have nug sites that...