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  1. G

    how is she looking

    2-3 weeks i guess, put a heater fan or a frostwatch in your greenhouse.
  2. G

    Good results with cheap co2 supplements?

    I had yeast but it wasn't sufficient enough IMO, so i switched to candles(produces lots of C02), works great and more maintenance-free + you get rid of that icky yeast smell. Just put it into a metalcase or something so that A) it's protected from the fans and B) so it wont start a fire.
  3. G

    Cartel Weed

    Red Dawn, cause of the blood
  4. G

    Plzz help with sick clone

    I would say that is probably dehydrated because it's roots are under-developed. I would keep it in some place cool in like 65-68F, and water regularly. don't drown it though
  5. G

    Container size

    thanks for the answers! lots appreciated:)
  6. G

    Container size

    A quick question, how big should a container be. I currently have some 3,2 Gallons. Is that enough?