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  1. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    So I guess I must have been wrong..... Checked all around, inside/outside the pot, drainage holes, I watered and made sure to check the runoff and I've seen nothing. There's def some vigorous root growth post transplant so perhaps some of def signals were coming from being root bound, which it...
  2. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    So I was going to transplant her because she needed it, seemed to bet getting root bound. I said had already done it but I decided to wait and see if I could find a solution before infecting a while new batch of soil. I took her out of the pot and didn't see one single bug... is that normal at...
  3. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    I got mine from a friend. The thing is I'm only growing this one plant. I did take a few clones to throw outside when the time comes, but I'm going to be moving sometime this spring and just don't have time to restart a crop ATM. But since I took the clones I really need to get in under control...
  4. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    It's very similar to an N def or Mag def. They destroy the roots so the plant can't take up nutrients. Here's a tip, don't get clones from a dispensary, especially in cali. I've seen that alot of infected clones are coming from them. I think there may be a thread on here about phantom...
  5. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    Yeah I only noticed 4 or 5 when I up rooted, but wanted to nip it in the butt. I gave it a slight flush with a concoction I came up with after doing some reading. I didn't measure because it was going be really LIGHT. Boiled some water and put in some cloves, ground red pepper, orange extract...
  6. JamesQuall

    Root aphids!!!

    So I have plant that I'm just about to flower. Was going to switch to 12/12 last week but i noticed what seemed to be a deficiency where there shouldn't have been. I though she might be getting root bound so i popped her out the pot and BAM!!. Fucking root aphids:cuss:..... Their population...
  7. JamesQuall

    2x2x5 Grow Lab - Reserva Privada Headband ... [ 100w T5 veg / 250w HPS flower ]

    I'm looking into a very similar set up with a 250, looking good and def subbed.
  8. JamesQuall

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Thanks for the response TreeZ. I was thinking about going with a 6" inline for the ease of upgrade if I ever want to, and just get a speed controller and run it at what it needs to be. A carbon filter is a must IMO, probably just going to build a DYI one from the site unless I find a well priced...
  9. JamesQuall

    250w HPS Club And Help Guide

    Awesome Thread! I've been planning a small grow tent with a 250, but am a little concerned about heat. It will be 2.5 x 2.5 x 5.5, wondering what a good ventilation set up might be or what has worked for you folks.
  10. JamesQuall

    Anyone use these fans?????

    Same company, similar design. At least it's not super loud. I was considering building a small box for the fan to sit in and line the box with acoustic foam, stuff is rather cheap
  11. JamesQuall

    Anyone use these fans?????

    Yes, I was planning doing a dyi deal from the site here.
  12. JamesQuall

    Anyone use these fans?????

    I've been planning a small grow tent, 2.5'x2.5'x5.5', using a 250w hps. But I need some help with the ventilation. Stealth is not of the highest importance, I just don't want it to sound like a jet engine taking off lol. Anyone know of any quiet inline fans. I found this one...
  13. JamesQuall

    Idea for a small 250w set up but looking for input

    Is it the sound of the fan or the sound of air turbulence through the ducting? Do you have the fan attached to the tent or is it hung with bungees as I've seen some do? I was thinking about making a box lined with acoustic foam for the fan and using insulated ducting, seems like that would cut...
  14. JamesQuall

    Idea for a small 250w set up but looking for input

    Hey guys, I've got an idea for small 250w hid set up. I'll be building my own tent/box for this. I'm thinking 2.5' X 2.5'X5.5'. I figured that would be enough space for 1-2 nice plants. Venting is a problem I'm running into. I have no problem buying a fan but stealth is somewhat of an issue. It...
  15. JamesQuall

    Howdy folks!

    Hey RIU, I've been lurking around here for a couple years now. Such a wealth of information. I've got an idea for a small set up and will be most likely asking some questions in the newb section. I'm looking forward to your input and learning as much as I can.
  16. JamesQuall

    Grow baby grow for the 1st time under 250w

    Hey man, nice grow! I've been trying to plan a grow sometime soon. Planning on a 250w as well. What did u do for ventilation? I'm in a situation that needs a little stealth as was wondering how loud your fans are and such. I'll be keepin an eye here. Good work so far man!