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    Flower Room #2

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    Flower Room #2

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    How to "Lollypop" your plants.

    The trim went in the compost
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    How to "Lollypop" your plants.

    Thats at 12 days into flower its Very Indica
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    How to "Lollypop" your plants.

    Hahaha hey while iv got someones attention i have this pretty little plant and iv got no idea what strain she is, any educated guesses out there???
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    How to "Lollypop" your plants.

    Just kidding guys shes got a dirty little secret
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    How to "Lollypop" your plants.

    This is a young White Rhino plant that is 2 weeks into Bloom and shes had a little bit of a harsh upbringing. Shes gotten a touch unruly and its time i stepped in with some advanced trimming techniques. So now Im going to show you how to trim up this plant and see if I cant give it a...
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    Aussie Questions, Free Goon Sack To Best Answer :-P

    Super Silver Haze. Im a Melbourne lad and i have several styles of grows indoor and outdoor, vic needs something hardy. Last year was Trainwreck but our plot got destroyed, but that would be another winner mate
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    Geuss This Strain

    This Plant is a 2 weeks into bloom. Very quick to respond to photo period change Large main cola minimal side branching VERY Indica plant Large Calyxes One of the plants grand-parents was an original White Rhino from 1997 - Well a clone of a clone of a.... Extremely potent sweet bud
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    Stupid Pineapple Chunk - The Neglected Room

    True, i am using old globes and ballasts there used to be 2 1000 watters in there and that was fine for up to 10 mother plants
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    Stupid Pineapple Chunk - The Neglected Room

    Here are some pics of some arsehole plants that have been flowering for about 70 days believe it or not. Apparently harvest time is 55-65 days- BULLSHIT!! But to be fair Ive neglected this room a fair bit, it used to be the mother room but im using it as another flower room now- theres 1800...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Well it might be an overreaction but i looked up other peoples grows with this strain and others and there was deffinately a lot of negative feedback. Im just pissed as to why they would say its an extremely stable Indica cross with a short bloom cycle when i got a leggy sativa with a long...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Yeah i dont see why not, i sorta grew with these systems in my area and theyve always done their job well.. Id be more concerned with issues with the roots in a hempy bucket, had a mate who done a little grow with em and came up with some rippa bud. its a great alternative when your starting out...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Barneys Farm are wankers, most of their strains are unstable. Normally i stick to classics but i thought id give pineapple chunk a go, now one of my rooms is a mess- lots of bud but so overgrown. This is their write up from their site We crossed the famous “Barney’s” Pineapple with our...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    I use a 80/20 mix of NF coco peat and perlite, once you figure out your watering schedule + heat and plant size variables its perfect.. I started an aeroponic setup that i came up with and its a massive pain in the arse to even get average results then i had a power failure and it raped em...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    This is the mother room about two months ago theres 2 White Widows 2 Pineapple Chunks 2 White Rhinos and the 2 missing up the back are my Skunks which ive been cloning for 3 years now.. As we speak i have over 70 clones in my tanks (I use fish tanks with water heaters and raised alluminium...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Look man were not here to learn how to grow apples, im not being naive here were on a site called roll it up, with massive seed sale ads all over the shop and every second word is cannabis. Didn't realise no one had the balls to talk about this shit straight up. This is the aussie growers thread...
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    you smell arse blood
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    Aussie Growers Thread

    Regardless with only 2 posts I doubt anyones going to trust you enough to want to trade clones with you. What does 2 posts have to do with anything this is why i joined this site, and besides from what iv read im in the 10% of real growers on here- yes offense
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    Australia - who clones wins

    Im in Melbourne and im looking for cloners to trade/buy or sell.