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  1. D

    Alternative super soil

    Yeh that's what I'm going to do compost some horse shit and organic soil plus a few scraps from around the house, how often do you use that brew durin flowering?
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    Alternative super soil

    Also how much of each ingrediant you listed should I add?
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    Alternative super soil

    Hey man awesome info! I've always felt the same way, my dad was an awesome horticulturalist and he never dealt with all that extra stuff. Unfortuantly I live in the dessert of Australia so theres no nice dirt under any leafy trees here haha. What's the difference between normal horse shit and...
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    Alternative super soil

    Hey guys im getting ready for my third outdoor grow and I wanted to try using the so called 'super soil' the problem is that I can't get all the ingredients needed. What I can get is organic soil, blood and bone, dolomite lime, coco coir, epsom salts, mushroom compost, and sheep/cow or chicken...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    Thanks guys some good advice! One other thing as for nutes, do you's use soil or hydro nutes??
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    Ok so how long can it stay wet enough to give sufficient water to the plants? I work 13 hour days so if I could get away with watering once a day than that'd be awesome! And also do I just pack a container full of coco and drop a sprout or clone in and away you go? Don't no why I haven't looked...
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    Coco Growers Unite!

    Awesome thread mate looking forward to giving it a proper read tonight. I'm left with a question, when 'container growing' is that just like growing in soil but using coco?? I've never heard the term before so I'm a bit unsure what it entails could you (or anyone else) please explain how to use...
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    Conversion lamps??

    Ok awesome well thanks a bunch mate you just saved me paying for a new MH ballast!
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    Conversion lamps??

    Ok so a couple of interesting things there been said. Firstly I was under the assumption that connecting a MH bulb into a HPS ballast would effect the efficienty of the ballast and as it was not made for this the globe could blow?? I mean why would they make specific HPs/MH Ballasts if all you...
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    Conversion lamps??

    Yeh mate talking bout the cord/socket, I brought it as a kit of eBay the title said '400w HPS grow light kit' all the ones that are HPS/MH interchangeable usually say it in the description so I'm pretty shaw this ones just HPS, there's nothing digital on it as in a digital screen or anything...
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    Conversion lamps??

    Oh ok didn't realise that, I guess to those answers I have another question. At the moment I've got a 400w HPS (non conversion) and I would like to use MH for veg, can I buy a mh ballast and just plug my HPS lamp holder into the mh ballast? Obviously I'd have to get a new globe but could I use...
  12. D

    Conversion lamps??

    Hey guys was just wondering about the conversion lamps that are out there for sale. They say MH conversion globe so does that mean it converts HPS into MH? Or MH into HPS?? Thanks in advance guys really appreciate it.
  13. D

    MH and HPS lighting

    Grow box is only 2ft wide but 6ft long and 6ft high, probably gonna grow about 3-4 plants just until I get the hang of indoor growing than gonna grow a bigger crop of around 6-8
  14. D

    MH and HPS lighting

    Ok so prety much the only advantage to the magnetic ballast is it's cheaper right? But I have a fairly good income so having the money to buy two seperate ballast kits is no problem for me.. Also if I'm using a 250w MH for vegetation is a 400w HPS for flowering and appropriate size??
  15. D

    MH and HPS lighting

    Hey thnx for advice I'll defiantly be setting up two rooms now that I have to buy two different ballast's, Um this is the first I've heard of the different types.. I no this is gonna sound like a stupid question but ways the difference between the two? Does the magnetic one not use power or...
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    MH and HPS lighting

    Can anyone tell me if I purchase a metal halide light kit, wen plants are ready to flower can I just swap the metal halide bulb for a HPS bulb even though they will be different watts? Or will I have to purchase a separate kit for each?? The metal halide will be a 250w and the HPS will be...
  17. D

    need help with outdoor set up

    This is my first outdoor grow and just wanted to no if anyone had a good design for a cage to keep wildlife out? Im in Western Australia so ill mostly be dealing with kangaroos, rabbits, goats and sheep, so if anyone has had any success with keeping them out or if anyone has any ideas plz...
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    help with watering outdoors

    hey thnx for the reply, im going to be growing in containers out bush because the earth here is way to shitty for growing. It gets prety hot here in the days like up to around 45 degrees so will the plants be ok going four days in the sun without being watered? oh and at wat age is it best...
  19. D

    Help with outdoor growing

    Hey I'm new to outdoor growing and need some advice on when I can first introduce my plants into direct sunlight and for how long?? And also is it best to start seedlings of under a fluro light indoors and than transplant into soil outside once at the right age?? Any advice would be...
  20. D

    help with watering outdoors

    hi im new to this site and was wanting to get any advice on how anyone keeps there plants watered out bush. i cant visit the grow site everday due to work so i need an automatic watering system that can water the plants whilst im away. something to water them for four days would be perfect...