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  1. R

    Femanized seeds actually work?

    I have kind of notied that, the simplest times where I just ran some water right out of the sink into the container and put in seeds were the most successful. Should the water be ph'd to 5.9 or whatever? And when I put in rockwool I put so the seed is on top (outside), with the whole root...
  2. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    I put a tape measure on the far right. Sorry it got cut off a little bit. The buds are freaking HEAVY!!! The pics do not do them enough justice. I never had buds like that.
  3. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    Thanks man! Generally I think my PPMs were: 300-400 seedling (2 weeks) 700-800 starting veggie growth (1 week) 1200 veggie growth (1-2 week) 1500-1800 flowering But I was not completely careful and didn't change the res as mich as I shoudl have so the PPM may have gone up and down a...
  4. R

    Femanized seeds actually work?

    Thanks for the help! I think I am trying to do to much. I was putting them on a heating pad on low. It might not have been 100% dark (I covered but some light might have gotten in). And a couple times I added the tiniest bit of superthrive hoping to get them to root better. In addition to...
  5. R

    Femanized seeds actually work?

    I have had poor results with the expensive femanized seeds I've used. In fact the only one I ever got to sprout turned out male (looked robust and all but was 100% male). Are these more difficult to germ than other seeds? I've now gone through 8 seeds of AK-48 and Blue Mystic with only the...
  6. R

    PC cases that will fit 2' T5 bulb and fixture?

    That one looks like it could fit the bill!!! I think T5s are superior to CFLs in terms of power effiency and space/light delivery efficiency. So I want to move to a PC grow that has those.
  7. R

    Grow Tent Club

    2'x2' tent with an 8 bulb T5. I get awesome results with low heat and current draw. I did a purple power and white widow this time. The purple grew great but did not produce strong THC buds (finshed very early though!). This is the white widow and is probably the largest harvest, heaviest...
  8. R

    How Do You Find Your Own Posts?

    I post a question. It quickly gets buried as other threads are posted. I can't find anyway to then find my post without clicking page by page. The search sucks really bad and never seems to return results that I know are there. And on the My Rollitup page, I can't find any link to "My Posts"...
  9. R

    How are these looking?

    Looking good all around man!
  10. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    I started seeing more amber, alot in some places. The newer growth calyx's started reclaiming the hairs. So I did a partial harvest. Left some small buds and lots of popcorn on the plant to ripen, I'm guessing 25-30% more to add to this pile. I only have a prior grow to compare which did...
  11. R

    PC cases that will fit 2' T5 bulb and fixture?

    Does anyone know of a PC case that is more than 24' deep and will fit 2' T5s? I am having trouble finding any that big. They seem to 22 to 23" at the most.
  12. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    I've been using one. The big bud in the pic is looking ready. It is not growing any new calyx's and it is at maybe 10% amber now
  13. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    I'm growing with a simple ebb and flow setup. The plants started in a rockwool plug, then within a day or two I put the plug into a 4" rockwool cube. After 3 weeks, they were out of the plastic nursery tray cover thing, I put them in the 5" hydroton planters and into the ebb and flow. About 1...
  14. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    Good questions. These were started into flower when they were just a tiny bit shorter than they are now, about 1 month veg. They are tied to a mesh which is why it is short. There is in no new vegetative growth. In fact the leaves are gradually dying. The new growth is all bud. In pic 5...
  15. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    That is a really good idea, to harvest vertically. Might try that. Thanks!
  16. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    Thanks! And I had one other plant in there at same time, a Purple Power that was about same size. I think with SCROG, in a small tent like this, tubes can approach the results of HPS. With HPS, I would be battling the heat, and would not be able to get the light near as close to the plants. With...
  17. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    One more question. How do people get those pics that show the trichomes so well? I have a 10MP point and shoot and notice image gets blurry if I put the camera any closer than the close-ups I took and posted. Do they use a special camera or is there a typical setting that can be changed?
  18. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    Thanks for all the comments, no need to be bitter! It is all good advice. There are so many factors, strain, lights, nutes, that it is as much art as science and very much appreciate everyone's perspective. So say I start to flush, and start to chop in a few days doing a gradual harvest to...
  19. R

    White widow, week 11 flower, little to no amber?

    This portable SCROG approach works really well with the flat T5 lighting. Seems to produce lots of medium buds at the top in a small amount of space, and a lot of popcorn. This plant was severly bent with plastic ties to the mesh in addition to being woven through the mesh. Not well...