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  1. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Bravo Luiji. Those buds look great. Enjoyed the photos and cant wait for a smoke report. Very inspirational for anyone considering a micro grow and wondering if its worth it. :clap: Looking at the pictures of your old GWS plant, it seems that my current plant resembles that in some ways. Not...
  2. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Still following your grow Luigi. Looks very good. Thanks for the photo updates. Keep it up and good luck.
  3. Erfan

    Expert Opinion Needed - Issue Involving Light Cycle

    Hello gentlemen, I tried to search for this topic first but didnt find a thread that helped regarding my light/time incident parameters. I am (as of later today) 3 weeks into flowering. My plant showed sex a long time ago and is full off pistils, and a start of bud, just a bit. My lights on...
  4. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Great pics. Sorry about the bulb issue. I have a question though. Did that bulb crack in the grow cab by any chance or outside? Because if it broke in the cab, then I wonder if it might be cause for some concern. Dont these CFL bulbs contain some mercury compounds in the dusting in them? If...
  5. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Try this:
  6. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    @ Luigi That plant of yours is looking great bro. Its great that you post such regular pics showing the progress. A real treat for me. Incredible, to think this is the plant that at first seemed like some sort of mutant haha, now look at her! Also I understand about your living situation not...
  7. Erfan

    Topping a Plant and Flowering Right After?

    I thought only autos show pre flowers when mature, regardless of light cycles. Then again, I dont know if what I have is an auto strain. Its bag seed from the some weed I enjoyed very much. Well, thanks for the info.
  8. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Hey there Luigi and NinjaBowler, First off, thank you for your warm welcome, and for taking the time to answer my question. Much appreciated. And NinjaBowler, you are right, there seems to be a couple of funny coinidences between all three of our grows haha :) The universe perhaps draws people...
  9. Erfan

    Topping a Plant and Flowering Right After?

    Adjorr and Mr.Vega, many thanks for your prompt helpful replies. My plant has been vegging from seed since March 1'st. Just yesterday I noticed what appears to be white pistils on the two most recent nodes. So I am assuming with some level of confidence, that it has shown sex though it was not...
  10. Erfan

    Topping a Plant and Flowering Right After?

    Hey there gentlemen, I was wondering, is it alright to top a plant, and then put it straight into flowering? Would this cause any problems? If so, what would be the shortest period to wait after topping, before switching to 12/12? Any help, especially experience based, is appreciated. Regards, E
  11. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    P.S. Just figured out how to subscribe. Sub'd. :)
  12. Erfan

    Luiji's Mini Plants #2 CFL (White Widow & Devil Fruit)

    Hey there Luigi. Been an on again off again lurker on this forum and finally was motivated to post for the first time here. Just read your entire last grow in one sitting (even though the pics dont show anymore it seems) and then got directed to this one from it. Read this one in one go after...