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  1. S

    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    I just put 9 in a square and vegged til 20 cms. Then I switched to 12:12 and they finished at 70cm. I'm running another sq with 16 this time, they look really hungry so I've raised the ec 0,6 to 0,7. I will not be adding for a while. I also need scrog netting. 600w and 5-6 colas per plant, no...
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    NFT drowned roots/ early transplanting. Advice on best ways to remedy the situation.

    another contributing factor may be that in one res the E.C. spiked at 1.6 at the end of the first week. After starting at about 1.0-1.2 but I've been using a E.C. of 0.8.-1.0 this week in that res to try flush them a bit. This!!!*^* your EC pen was telling you that they were spitting out nutes...
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    question for advanced growers

    Simple, if they start tilting then tie them up. In pots you could use bamboo stick or in hydro just use wire.
  4. S

    Weak roots

    How long since the transplant ? Could just be the roots getting ready to veg and do their stretch.
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    Def or Lockout?

    Omg! Feed those girls! I've seen fatter anorexics! N plus others.
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    Middle of flowering w/ lower leaves dying. Should i remove them?

    Definitely take them off. Any leaf that is more than 50% damaged should be removed as it is a waste of energy for the plant to repair. Lower leaves especially die off first as there is a lack of light and they are the eldest. Removing lower leaves also improves air flow and makes it easier to...
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    This is my first time getting clones from a dispensary. I tried cloning myself but th

    Humidity is too low and the lights are too close. A 600w should be at least 90-100cm away. In veg, plants don't need a lot of light or food or even water. Sounds like you have planted the Rockwool cubes into soil? This is fine. You need aa prop box or a dome to increase the humidity.
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    Picture of your pet thread !!!

    I used to use the attachment on the vacuum cleaner on my dog. Only in the summer though when he was moulting. It wasn't a past time or anything. But I think he liked it.
  9. S

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    In that case. What colour are the roots? Id now recommend letting them dry out and replanting into a light mix soil EC 1.0 appx. Use 1/4 strength veg nutes and a bit of root complex if you have it. Remember the new medium must be wetter than the roots and old pot as you want the roots to grow...
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    stoned stories

    Driving home from a nightclub at 6am in London for my 21 st we got pulled by the police. We were all buzzing off our nuts except for the driver. We were also smoking a joint of purple haze which didn't smell too much. We didn't panic but we quickly hid it in the ashtray. They had us out the car...
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    Time to transplant?

    What are the roots doing? If you had a rootball then go for it. I'd be tempted to check the base first. Just make sure the new soil is wetter than those pots. You want the roots to grow outward in search of water. I'd wait til several sets of leaves before topping or LST. Plants need to recover...
  12. S

    First post, first grow

    I use Rockwool cubes but for clones and not seeds. I would put a cover on that box to increase the humidt as they root. It's good that you are careful with the nutes but i just soak mine at 5.2-5.5 and they will drift up anyway to 5,8-6.0. Also , cut some plastic squares and cover the top of the...
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    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    What's with all the negativity? I'm a shit hot hydro grower, commercial in fact and I don't see the benefit of putting others down in regard to their growing. We all had to learn.
  14. S

    2 days of no help and they are getting closer to death!

    Firstly, it's ok to use a 400w for veg but it needs to be a good 80-100cm away from the top of the plant. Small plants have small root systems and don't need much food and definitely not a loads of water. What's happened here is that there is no oxygen in the soil due to the water logging which...