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  1. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Thanks zeddd just caught this while catching up on the thread. The seeds broke soil this morning but I won't be able to order another fan till Friday. It's only 3 reg black domina seeds, (knowing my luck it'll be 3 males) guess I'll just keep my fingers crossed they don't fry under my light...
  2. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    Would the exhaust fan I'm using now be suitable for the intake then? Sorry for all the Q's, you've both been a big help tonight. Also you guys care to share any pics of your current grows or biggest buds you've grown, purely for inspirational purposes and not just because bud porn is awesome...
  3. C

    The UK Growers Thread! It's extraction kit 2 on that page. It came as part of the bay6 xl complete setup on the same website. The cooltube was just a cheap 5" one from amazon. I know it's probably shit but I figured...
  4. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I'm up in Scotland so never really considered that the weather would cause high temps in my tent lmao. How bad is 29c? Is it a straight up no chance or could they survive? Could it even drop to a more acceptable temp when the weather cools down again? I know it's far from ideal just wondering...
  5. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I don't have an intake fan, just left the vents at the bottom open. Will a fan pulling air in help? The exhaust fan is a 5" RVK something or other from growell. Also (confession time), I germed a few black domina seeds 2 days ago using the paper towel method. Checked this morning and they all...
  6. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    How's it going guys? Got some advice from you a couple months back but financial probs meant putting my plans on hold . Anyways I've got my shit together again and ready to go but I'm having a problem keeping the temps down. I'm running a 600w w/ cool tube in a 120x120 cm tent in my bedroom...
  7. C

    Help a first timer out?

    Lots of good info there man thanks! I'll definitely look more into the canna coco. My kit came with a magnetic ballast unfortunately, I think I'll have to look in to getting some smaller cfl's to get the seedlings going.
  8. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    I was looking at a canna professional soil on amazon but someone on another thread suggested canna coco natural. Do you have any knowledge of those? I was planning on only growing 4 plants to begin with, do you reckon that's a decent number or should I go for a few more? Sunny, sunny Ayrshire...
  9. C

    The UK Growers Thread!

    What's up guys? Just got a 4x4 tent with a 600w hps, just waiting for the last few bits and pieces before I start my first grow. Anyone got any tips for a first timer? I've got some black domina seeds from sensi that I plan on growing in soil, anyone got experience with the strain?
  10. C

    Help a first timer out?

    I was gonna go with the canna terra professional soil from amazon. Product Description CANNA Terra Professional is a nitrogen-rich potting mix for plant cultivation. Your plants grow best in a nitrogen-rich potting mix. CANNA Terra Professional potting mix is unlike anything you will find in a...
  11. C

    Help a first timer out?

    Good call, forgot all about those. I'll get those ordered today. Haven't decided on which nutes to use yet, I'll take a walk down to my local hydro store and see what they stock. Is it safe to start the seedlings under a 600 w/cool tube? Or should I get some other light for the first week or 2?
  12. C

    Help a first timer out?

    Hey guys, I've just taken delivery of my complete grow tent setup. On top of this I've also ordered a cool tube and fan speed controller, is there anything else you guys think I'll need? I plan on growing in soil and I have...