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  1. K

    Regrowth when buds are just about done

    Perhaps I do have the light too close. I did lower it a bit a week or so ago. Thank you:)
  2. K

    Regrowth when buds are just about done

    Yes, that would describe what a previous plant did. It just kept producing flowers one atop the other. Good word for it.
  3. K

    Regrowth when buds are just about done

    Darn it! I harvested the crop. This happened before and I let the plant alone after fixing the light leak and it continued to regreen. After weeks I harvested it. This time I harvested right away, as the crop was very close to all cloudy trichomes with a few amber trichomes. I didn't want it to...
  4. K

    Regrowth when buds are just about done

    This keeps happening! My plants are gorgeous, full and full of trichomes and then BAM! I see little green growths starting at the tip of the buds. I figured my grow room must be leaking light so I turned off the lights, found a small leak and fixed it. Now my other plant is starting to regrow...