Search results

  1. kothlin

    Highland Oaxacan Gold search seeds. please SOS

    Hi everyone! I realy looked around 15 pages of Google but i not fount this strain. I really like this strain i want to grow it in my indoor. Maybe you are know where to buy it? Highland Oaxacan Gold
  2. kothlin

    Northern Lights in a 2x4 Tent w/ CXB3590s and BXEB Strips

    Hi, aquanaut! Nice NL! You use 2 driver for 6 COB. What is the reason for this decision? Correct me if I'm wrong, but when using a current of 1400mA, the COB have @55% efficiency. 3х50 = 150W, why You use 240Н instead 185H e.g.? Pls let me know (: