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  1. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    I've heard that 70 days is the number for getting that notorious knock-out punch, but I may pull them earlier if I think they're ready.
  2. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thanks Rasta. I'm definitely looking forward to the AbusiveOG at this point, she is definitely the frostiest. I'll get a close-up of her later.
  3. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    From being cut? I got them 7 days after being cut, rooted them for 10 days, vegged them for 14 days under the 600w. So 31 days total for the Tahoe. Most were (12" - 15") The next batch was already rooted well so I just threw them into the HUGO blocks and they took off. I think 20 days veg for those.
  4. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Ok sorry this took so long but I've been busier than ever lately. I'll try to cover all the details of this grow so far, but let me know if I leave anything out. I'll post some new pics later today. As I stated before, I originally picked up a batch of TahoeOG clones to run in the big room...
  5. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thank you once again for all the compliments Ninja. I realize this thread could be much more detailed so I'll try to make some extra time to post. Give me a day or two and I'll write up everything I've done so far on this grow for those interested. It won't be too difficult as I write everything...
  6. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Took these on Friday, day 21 of bloom. Both are TahoeOG.
  7. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thanks MrEDuck, I'm quite excited myself. :grin:
  8. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Those are rapid rooters. I personally do not use them but the guy I get my clones from won't use anything else. As long as they're fully rooted when I get them I don't really care, although they do dry out and start crumbling if you don't keep them moist late in flower. That's one aspect I don't...
  9. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Here's a pic from a couple of days ago, day 9 of bloom. The two front trays are TahoeOG, back right is AbusiveOG, and back left is DiabloOG. The Diablo is very stretchy and lanky so that screen is the least filled. She'll probably yield significantly less than the others. Here's the other...
  10. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Good to have you, KushKrew. I enjoy sharing with you guys. It makes posting worth while.
  11. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thanks for the advice MeanGreen. Luckily my tray stands have wheels and move freely from side to side. This allows me to move them over when I need to get to the middle plants. I defoliate the plants every 1-2 weeks. I remove a lot of lower growth and any large leaves that are blocking potential...
  12. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    The next batch is rooted and should be ready for the other room in a 7-10 days. I thought my pH meter was off (the BlueLab) so I calibrated it and got a backup. The readings are a couple points apart so I just average it out.
  13. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thanks Cheebs I'm hoping so. Hope you'll stick around to check it out!
  14. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Thank you for the kind words Ninja. Fellow growers like you are the reason I decided to document this grow. It's always great to get feedback and encouragement, even if its over the web. I've learned everything I know from this site and others like it. All the info is already out there, you just...
  15. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    The screens took me and my buddy about 2 hours to make. It'll be well worth it though I can't wait until they fill up..
  16. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Here's a couple shots I took today. The tallest girls are about 18" but I think I'll set the screen at about 14" and bend them under a bit. My room has stayed at 70 degrees no problem and it's been in the 90s outside lately. All the lights are dimmed to 600w but I'll be adding a CO2...
  17. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Appreciate it sir. Thanks for joining the party!
  18. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Whats up Kushguy. My water actually isn't bad at all. It's about 200ppm out of the tap and I haven't had any problems whatsoever.
  19. Dr. Hank McCoy

    11,000Watt E&F w/ C02, Advanced Nutes, and TahoeOG!

    Looking good so far Ninja. Flipping the lights off tomorrow for 24 hours then its 12/12 from there. Still thinking about throwing in some kind of screen to keep the canopy even. Will probably do that tomorrow.