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  1. Mushman707

    Pinewarp, c13, and bagseed grow

    Well alots happened since my last post. Both plants started showing sex and the bagseed was a male so i merked him yesterday. The pinewarp was female=))))And traded those five c13 sprouts for some bunk lowryder seeds from a friend. Waiting on some auto aks. About to transplant my pinewarp to a...
  2. Mushman707

    Transplanting for dummys

    hello growers, I plan on moving my 22'' pinewarp to my secret garden in the woods to let her get chop! and was wondering what would be the best way of going about transplanting her from a small black bucket to a big 15 gallon bucket? Thank you and happy growing.
  3. Mushman707

    I Lost My Virginity When I Was...?

    15. showed up at my boys to smoke a blunt and there was a drunk slutski who took mine and my two homies v cards. veddi nice
  4. Mushman707


    TWEAKING. obviously
  5. Mushman707

    1st tent grow autoflowering ak47

    i havent got my auto ak seeds yet but i traded 5 c13 sprouts for some regular lowryder seeds.
  6. Mushman707

    First grow, please help

    thank you keico, but those are three different leaves this plant is about two and a half months old. I'm using fox farm ocean forest for soil, fox farm liquid plantfood, Fish emulsion, and fox farm big bloom for nutrients.
  7. Mushman707

    Pinewarp, c13, and bagseed grow

    this is my first attempt at growing ever. My cousin is in to it and thats how i got started. im hoping to have some decent bud my first time around but if not, so be it. i started the bagseed about9-10 weeks ago, pinewarp 8 weeks ago, and c13 week and a half ago. Should be getting Ak...
  8. Mushman707

    First grow, please help

    Hello growers, this my first season of growing and am finding it a great experience. But it kills me to see some kind of defect with my plants can you please help me identify this problem mush love
  9. Mushman707

    1st tent grow autoflowering ak47

    very nice sir
  10. Mushman707

    Solo Guerilla Growing

    look at the bright side, after bringing all the soil and what not to your spot, by harvest youl be in great fuckin shape
  11. Mushman707

    low ryder 2

    its my first grow to but im having good results with fox farm ocean forest.
  12. Mushman707

    1st tent grow autoflowering ak47

    very nice! i just ordered these seeds yesterday and will start a journal when i get them. i look forward to watching your babys grow
  13. Mushman707

    Dangers of shrooms?

    mushrooms changed my life. iv tripped on them around 11 times and they have totally changed my view on life, but i do feel like i have a screw loose after it all.
  14. Mushman707

    found my plots : )

    found my spot and cant wait to see how pinewarp seeds will do there
  15. Mushman707

    BC PINEWARP strain ?

    I have been wondering the samething and have found no answers. I said fuck it and got the seeds anyways. Starting them next month.The bc people drew a smile face on the pinewarp packaging so i have a good feeling.