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  1. Green Monk

    Mazar with weird spots, pests? Pics

    I am also having a spider mite problem(very early stages)w/my mazar plants. am 1 week away from switching to 12/12, and have declared war. I just discovered them last night, about a week after my wife put an outdoor plant in my growroom because it needed more light >:( Anyway, i have to consalt...
  2. Green Monk

    Song to listen to while smoking

    Asheru&BlueBlack is really nice, also again check out Blu&Exile...shit is gOod
  3. Green Monk

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    i just recieved seeds from planetskunk today!.. thats 7 days exactly from when i ordered(paid w/cc). they also threw in some freebeessss!
  4. Green Monk

    Where do you get your seeds? - Good Experiences... Please!!!

    just ordered yesterday from, blueberry, mazar, and strawwberry cough all feminized:hump:...used a prepaid card yesterday, got a conformation of shipment today i expect to see them by the end of next week, i hope
  5. Green Monk

    Question about Aeroponic Pump Cycle

    op, i'm in the process of setting up my own system also. i believe that you want to run the pump constantly or for 1 minute every 5 min. like i said i'm also new to aeroponics, and would also like to hear form an expert. monk
  6. Green Monk

    Cool Tube and Ambient temps... ??

    i just bought a 600w mh/hps cooltube, but have yet to set it up :roll:
  7. Green Monk

    What Song are you listoning to right now?

    good morning - cage:twisted:
  8. Green Monk

    Song to listen to while smoking

    i've been listening to Blu&Exile, "below the heavens" is fucking refreshing nowadays...pure hiphop:joint:
  9. Green Monk

    Tribe, Can I Kick It?

    man, both those songs are great...:peace:
  10. Green Monk

    Buying New Lights..

    word, i just ordered the growbright 600watt hps&mh...cooltube...:hump:
  11. Green Monk

    6 Ice Princess,3 Hydro 3 Soil

    grim, in the beginning of your journal there was a temp problem, was this due to the heat from the lamp? i am new to this and was thinking about buying a 600w mh/hps but am a little concerned about the amount of heat it will give off. must a 600w be duct up and blown out?
  12. Green Monk

    Welcome New Members!

    wanted to introduce myself, greetings from godforsaken Detroit