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  1. ogt

    Male or hermi?

    can someone take a look at these photos and help me sex this? I thought it was a male but im not sure, maybe it is a hermi? Thanks. ogt.
  2. ogt

    Drug Abuse, Help me fix my weed/ pics

    They are getting worse, Here are updated photos.
  3. ogt

    Drug Abuse, Help me fix my weed/ pics

    I moved the plants away from the light last ngiht and they seemed okay, no major problems, and at about 10am this morn i put them out in the sun. now they look like this... see pics ogt.
  4. ogt

    Drug Abuse, Help me fix my weed/ pics

    Also: i made the mistake of using the wrong soil to start my germinated seeds in, i used Miricale grow organic soil(for in-ground plant) not for pots, So i went and got more soil Hyponex Potting Soil and organic manure type soil. Should i transplant my plants into this soil or wait...
  5. ogt

    Drug Abuse, Help me fix my weed/ pics

    WHats up RIU, ogt again. I have noticed several problems with my plants, I am unable to match the symptoms with the other posted pics as I spent months working with mentally challenged people and they started to wear off on me. so i have posted pics for help. PLEASE help me if u can. ogt...
  6. ogt

    A newbies grow room. HELP! PICS

    Money, electricity, all the above.
  7. ogt

    A newbies grow room. HELP! PICS

    Sup guys, I've taken some advice and redone the grow room, its still lacking in ventilation, but in the mean time I'll use a fan, My lighting is what I am most concerned about, not having enough, will it be enough for flowering etc? Here is the room before I started. After the reflective...
  8. ogt

    New Grow room

    #1 fixed the link, i was pretty high last nigth when i was making the post, #2 yes that is emergency blankets. #3 the fluourecent tubes have plastic covers on them because thats how they came in the box. and there are 7 plants atm, i want to have 10, when i find out wictch one's are females...
  9. ogt

    New Grow room

    this is a grow room i just put together this night, using this equip: any tips appricieated . except spelli lessons. ogt
  10. ogt

    Help Me set this up Please

    I read somewhere in a growguide that for a small closet grow, opening the door once a day would get enough fresh air, but i have a small fan that i will plug up, i was going to use it more to make the roots stronger than ventilation, but I already decided that when I get some money, i will use...
  11. ogt

    Help Me set this up Please

    Hello again. If Possible I'd like someone to look at this list of items I have and tell me what I should use or not use and any tips on setup, especially any advice on the lights that i have and any info about the rooting agents. Thanks in advance ogt. Inventory: Growroom: Closet...
  12. ogt

    Cats like weed too

    The plant is 1 of 6 northern lights strain, I don't have anymore seeds so I don't want to kill it unless its not going to live, like i said it seems to have new leaves tryin to sprout, I guess I'll know in a few days? ogt.
  13. ogt

    Cats like weed too

    My cat got ahold of this plant, its still living/green a few days later, it looks like new leaves are trying to sprout, does this plant look salvageable? ogt.
  14. ogt

    Transplant problem w/pic

    Hello, I just moved a northern lights plant into a larger pot, and right after the fan leaves curled up like a rolling paper almost, they seemed to have recovered quiet a bit by the time i got the camera, but still have a slight curl upwards, is this common? I've included a photo, also, I...
  15. ogt

    12on 12off

    Hello, I have a question about the method of using timers to 'trick' the females into flowering when you want them to by using timers set to 12hours of light and 12 hours of dark, My question is: Can I leave my plant(s) outside in the sun for 12 hours, and then bring them inside in a dark room...