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  1. kaisie

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

    wow thats funny
  2. kaisie

    Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

  3. kaisie

    Weeping willow

    i plan to i have about 11 clones that are ready
  4. kaisie

    i cant belive i killed plants oh man this sucks

    i cant belive i killed plants oh man this sucks
  5. kaisie

    Weeping willow

    :cry:sad to say my outdoors did not make it... i killed them... i didnt mean to it is my first outdoor grow but i didnt last more then 3 weeks lol ugh but i still have all my hydros and they are doing amazing. but i was really excited about outdoor i will not give up im gonna try again!!
  6. kaisie


    My plants were over waterd how do i bring them back to being healthy? they are drooping still green but just sad....
  7. kaisie

    Back in the day, the first time i got caught smoking the ganja

    i got cought in 8th grade at school smokeing pot in the bathroom with 3 other girls my dad was pisses... it was his weed sorry dad
  8. kaisie

    my first indoor grow

    thank u i love santa ana
  9. kaisie

    My first adventure

    This is the first time im growing im super excited but really scared to lol there is deff a lot to learn, i have a great mentor thats been grow for years and i also get to share this exsperiance with my dad and compaire notes and learn what works for him and what dosent i think its a great way...
  10. kaisie

    my first grow- space queen, deadhead OG, original purple
  11. kaisie

    love you to dad

    love you to dad
  12. kaisie

    my first indoor grow
  13. kaisie


    i am learing indoor and outdoor at the same time here are some pics of my outdoor