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  1. BBBold

    Fusarium Wilt? Take a look...

    Have had an air bubbler since day 1. For no other reason than I knew it was a must for aquariums... haha. And I make sure and check the bottom of the soil ball (by lifting out the plant) each time before I water. If anything I'm underwatering... Thanks for your help tho. Reps given.
  2. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Temps were cool for a few weeks, but this week it REALLY got hot out. Of course temps skyrocketed up there... :cry: I've been trying to ignore the issue for as long as possible, but if this heat keeps up I'm obviously going to HAVE to create some proactive climate controls. I pH the water and...
  3. BBBold

    Fusarium Wilt? Take a look...

    First lets look at some pictures: Not counting the pot I would say she stands about 2'6" tall. Kinda slowed in getting taller once it started flowering in full force. You can see droopy leaves on the bottom of the plant. In the last picture you can kinda see how the very tip of most...
  4. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    So its been a while. Males are gone, but my one female that made it is doing pretty well, with a few exceptions that I could use advice on. Lets look at some pictures of my baby: Week 15 [July 23, 2009] Not counting the pot I would say she stands about 2'6" tall. Kinda slowed in getting...
  5. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    That's what I meant... a room for Veg/Clones, and a separate one for Flowering. I have both bulbs, but only one ballast... I was hoping I could use CFL's for rooting clones and/or maintaining a mother? Obviously I can't root clones under my single MH on a 12/12 cycle. Basically that's it...
  6. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    So the three males were trashed... much to my dismay. Oh well. I did tell myself at the beginning that this is only the dry run... to see how hard all this shit is, and if its even doable over the long term. The three males did bum me out a bit, but I made a wonderful discovery today that...
  7. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Please do. To add to this shit Monday I'm all out of medical supplies. When it rains, it pours. :cuss: What's the deal with "feminized seeds." Can seed banks really ensure that they are feminine? I'm going to Barney's Seed Farm Wednesday and want to know the deal before I spend mucho...
  8. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    So it looks like I've got three males. :cuss: Check this shit out... So annoying. :( The third one doesn't have any signs of sex... so maybe that's my only hope? Now what to do with the males? I mean I know I should just cut em down... but can I do anything worthwhile with em?
  9. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    The watering system actually had about half left when I got back. I only set the watering to twice a week, Tuesdays and Saturdays. That obviously wasn't quite enough, and now I plan on going every other day, since they seem super thirsty. I've also noticed that like 1/3 of the soil is gone, or...
  10. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    I'm baaAAaaack! Vacation was awesome... although of course I couldn't help but worry about my babies the whole time. I'm happy to report that they did INCREDIBLY well. The watering system I set up worked FLAWLESSLY... although I think I didn't water them enough. The soil was desert bone dry...
  11. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Its been a bit since I updated... First a couple pictures from Week 8 (June 3, 2009) Seeing some moderate growth... which is good. They haven't been stretching as much as they were when I had the light up too high. Also... there is a definite odor now. Not strong, but you notice it when you...
  12. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    :shock: Point taken. They are also held up with a small nylon rope - but you're right. Something to put on the list for the next trip to the hardware store. Thanks man! :joint:
  13. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    So I watched a few videos on YouTube about Supercropping, and decided I'd give it a go. Here's the result... 90° angle, should hopefully get a little sideways growth before it zeros in on the light again. I just applied a little pressure on the stem... enough to weaken it a tiny bit. Videos...
  14. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Some pictures from today - Week 7 (May 28, 2009) I think it's tough to judge someone's grow without a reference. Hence, a self portrait with the kids. ...and a cool picture I happen to grab. If it wasn't as badass as my AV is, I'd replace it with this. ©BBBold 2009 Another look at the...
  15. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Werd - its tough to control. I understand I can get a cheap On/Off Thermostat... but I want one that increases fan speed the hotter it gets. And I'm assuming those are mucho dinero. Shit - that's a wake up call. Saw what looked like some white fuzz on some soil today that freaked me out a...
  16. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    I don't yet want to start flowering because I'm going to be out of town for a bit. Soon as I get back I'll switch to 12/12 and watch the magic unfold. Topping = FIMing, right? I FIMed one plant today, partly because I was scared to do more and because it was the first time. Sterilized the...
  17. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Awesome - appreciate you clearing that up. Was I correct with more "N" being needed during Veg, and more "P" being needed for flowering? I haven't thrown any nutes in the water just yet. Right now I'm stabilizing the pH of the water first... right around 7.0 is what I'm aiming for. Any input...
  18. BBBold

    DIY HUMIDISTAT(humidify/dehumidify) THERMOSTAT(heat/cool)

    Bump for a cool thread.
  19. BBBold

    See any problems? 1st Crop [8 pictures]

    That's what I thought on sexing plants. I kind of remember reading something along those lines somewhere... Thanks for clearing that up. Also - I appreciate you taking a look. Glad they look good... I'm hoping they'll stay that way. I just picked up some hardware store bought liquid nutrients...
  20. BBBold

    BBBold's First Grow [Attic, 400w, Soil]

    Now for pictures from Week 6 (May 20, 2009): My babies, with my hand for size comparison. Already looking for signs of sex, but I don't see anything yet... :-| When should I be expecting signs? Now some from the beginning of Week 7 (May 25, 2009): Since I'll be out of town for a short...