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  1. R

    HELP ME Fellow Stoners

    Thanks for that, i hate cigs=(, oh well at least i can blame job corps for ODing on somas. Wonder how much bud i could squeeze in in two weeks, the thought makes me gitty
  2. R

    HELP ME Fellow Stoners

    Sup all, i'm screwed for a while. Im joining the job corps and they drug test often. Although i hate the idea of smoking anything but the goods, i also dont like the shady business of faking urin tests. My question is can anyone give me any positive feedback on legalbuds:spew:. I know it wont be...
  3. R

    The Steps To Growing Legally As A Profession

    Hey man im looking into the same thing in california and this link was useful,
  4. R

    cali card growing(6mature 12 immature)

    By the way, anyone know about vendors licenses, i know quite a few clinics that'll buy from me if i get it. Im not totally sure how to acquire it or much or how legal, but profit looks good, so curious about that too.
  5. R

    cali card growing(6mature 12 immature)

    So the 12 is just a cushion to ensure you get 6 females, hmf.Think it'd just be easier to say you can only have 6 plants. Whatevs(6plants worth of hash right), thanks a lot man cleared that up. Lates:clap:
  6. R

    cali card growing(6mature 12 immature)

    Sup all, question for ya. Im getting my cali card in a week or two and im totally confused on one of the legalities. In San Bernardino county you're allowed to grow 6 mature plants or 12 immature ones. Confusing to anyone else? Say 6 of my 12 immatures become mature, do I have to throw out the...