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  1. J

    Tiny Black bug invasion!

    First off I want to thank everyone on this forum, this is my first year growing outdoors and I don't think I could have been even close to as successful as I feel I have without RIU!!!!!! I just took a trip out to my semi guerilla spots and noticed an invasion of these tiny black bugs, so small...
  2. J

    24 hr light on clones

    i like your advise. This is what I was thinking just wanted to hear from someone with more experience. What part of the midwest you in? Central IL here! What sort of light should I veg them under?? I have HPS or MH
  3. J

    24 hr light on clones

    Hoping someone has some advice on what to do with the light cycle on the 30 clones I have. they have been under 24 hrs of light since they were cloned and all are around 10 days out of dome. I was hoping by waiting til this late in the year that I could go straight outside with them and not have...
  4. J

    how to get most height out of clones

    So i have about 30 clones that have been out of the humidity dome and in soil for about 5 days. They are going to be finished outdoors. Just wanted to get opinions on how to get them the tallest, by that i mean will they gain more height under 24/7 MH light or will they get taller outside? I...
  5. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

  6. J

    Deformed after transplant

    Flushing wont do any good will it since they are in the in the ground in the amended soil?
  7. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

    so everyone thinks they will gain more height by going straight outside instead of staying inside under lights?My goal is to gain as much height as possible before flowering.
  8. J

    Deformed after transplant

    yes they had been growing in newspaper pots in direct sun since they sprouted. the sheep compost is well over a year old and is neutral ph according to farmer it came from. is there anything I can do or just wait it out and see what happens?
  9. J

    short veg clones

    fox farms doesnt sound familiar?
  10. J

    short veg clones

    right now there are in half ffof half happy frog.
  11. J

    Deformed after transplant

    No feeding at all. Havent even watered yet ground was soaked when i planted.
  12. J

    short veg clones

    here are some pics
  13. J

    Deformed after transplant

    I just transplanted 2 cali hash plants, 2 crimnea blue, 1 fruity chronic juice, 1 Ultimate, and 1 Biddy early into there final holes. I dug 3x3x3 holes used half natural soil, earth worm castings, sheep compost, perlite, bone meal, bloodmeal and some fox farms happy frog. the plants all...
  14. J

    short veg clones

    Have about 40 clones just rooted and transplanted to small pots. Plan to finish outdoors in 5 gallon pots but unsure on what i Should use for soil since the veg time is gonna be so short. any advice appreciated!
  15. J

    Vegging clones

    my only thought was i could get more height out of them being on 24/7 the weather here has been so shitty you cant count on sunshine but like 3 days a week it seems.
  16. J

    Vegging clones

    I have about 30-40 clones of critical +, pineapple chunk, and liberty haze that I just transplanted from humidity dome to small pots. I am going to finish these outside but was wondering if i should veg them for a couple weeks indoors under 24 hr 600 watt MH or should i Just get them outdoors...
  17. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

    just checked out your grow! very nice bro!good luck
  18. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

    Unfortunately im in central IL. How much later than the 15th do you think they will go? I do have a hoophouse in my garden that I could possibly finish them in.
  19. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

    As for getting them outside, do you think vegging them indoors under 24hr 600 watt MH until first of august would be better or should i get them outdoors ASAP?
  20. J

    Putting out Clones mid july

    So do you top the same spot over and over so it bushes?