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  1. LetMeGrow

    Remote DWC Underground

    Yes. I found this chart that I found pretty useful.
  2. LetMeGrow

    Help please! Plants not drinking!

    I'll do that. Thanks
  3. LetMeGrow

    Help please! Plants not drinking!

    Yes. I used the liquid 1st. For the 1st 4 weeks of flower. I was told to switch to the powder after that. So that's what I did. I think when I checked the ppm the powder wasn't fully dissolved. But I dumped half of the water out n added r.o water to it. Down to 800ppm now. Hopefully that helps
  4. LetMeGrow

    Remote DWC Underground

    Ok thanks
  5. LetMeGrow

    Help please! Plants not drinking!

    Ppm jumped way high. Feeding advanced nutrients with koolbloom"powder"
  6. LetMeGrow

    Help please! Plants not drinking!

    You are actually right. Just checked my ph. Its seating at 5.8. But my ppm shot up to 2400! It was 1100. Last week. Iono how that would happen.
  7. LetMeGrow

    Remote DWC Underground

    I'm using 2 types if ph testers. Ones saying I'm 5.7 the other one is saying I'm 5.8-5.9. So I'm pretty sure I'm good on the ph. But yeah. My ppm was 1100. When I changed my res last week. It's now at 2400! . What could of made it jump up?
  8. LetMeGrow

    Help please! Plants not drinking!

    I need some help. I'm about 6 weeks into flower. I did a res change in my dwc setup last week. N now my plants isn't drinking water/feeding. Reservoir been full for a week now Normally It'll be almost empty. By day 4.
  9. LetMeGrow

    Remote DWC Underground

    Did you ever figure out. What's was wrong with your water? My plants aren't drinking nomore. Reservoir been full for a week now. Usually it'll be almost dry.
  10. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Here's a update. Plants are 3weeks into flower. *finger cross* it'll get bigger nugs
  11. LetMeGrow

    Chemdog & Blue Cheese 1000w grow

    Was this under a lb from 2 plants?
  12. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

  13. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Nov 11th. Update
  14. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Ok. I'll keep that in mind. Thank you. Do you have any pictures of your finish products with the BP by any chance?
  15. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Yeah. I'm struggling to keep the rez cool. But it does it for the time being. Will built a water chiller. In the spring time to help keep the water cool. I've seen the blue planet nutrients on Amazon. Just didn't know of anyone ever using it. I might give them a try after this batch. I want to...
  16. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    I just use HydroGuard. Bc of my heat problem on the roots. Sometime I get lazy n forget to put iced water bottle in the rez. So I'm using HydroGuard to keep me from getting root rots. But im always welling to learn something new. Thanks for the tips.
  17. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Have you ever used silver bullets? I read an article in here. Of someone using it. But I will most definitely look into getting the southern agarden friendly fungicide. HydroGuard do get very pricey. Thanks again.
  18. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Update. On Nov 2nd pics
  19. LetMeGrow

    First time DWC.

    Thanks for the reply. So far. I haven't had any trouble. On my nutes. But I will most definitely slow down on it.