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  1. S

    Is something wrong?

    I just walked in there and they're not as perky I misted it but do you think it needs water??
  2. S

    Is something wrong?

    why are my leafs slanting like this?? Is there a problem ?or is it normal and healthy ?
  3. S

    I'm getting paranoid help??

    There are very fine but there's white hairs on the leaves.
  4. S

    I'm getting paranoid help??

    Not really just curious about hair on leaves????
  5. S

    I'm getting paranoid help??

    i transplanted a day ago, and I'm paranoid but is my plant looking okay???
  6. S

    I need help!

    I just transplanted my plant into a 5 gallon bucket, and as i was doing it i noticed i ran out of soil so i had to mix some other soil in with my main soil which is fox farms idk the other brand of soil but it didnt seem to bad, FIRST QUeSTION! Do you all think that it will be okay? SECOND...
  7. S

    Do my plants look okay?

    Just curious to see if from other people's perspectives if my plants look okay?
  8. S

    Help me asap please!

    It was dry when j transplanted I think I broke a few roots with the transplant but nothing serious. Idk
  9. S

    Help me asap please!

    Also I just transplanted like 15mins ago. Is it gonna be okay to water it now?
  10. S

    Help me asap please!

    Fox farm ocean forest soil and I watered it last with a little under a cup 4 days ago.
  11. S

    Help me asap please!

    So this is the baby plant I'm just curious what's wrong with her? I'm thinking over watered or underwatered but I can't tell honestly. She's in fox farms soil under enough light and everything! Please help!
  12. S

    Does my plant look healthy??

    Just curious if my plant looks like it's doing okay? Yes there is a weird amount of space on the bottom leaves because of the light I originally had it under. But besides that does it look healthy I last watered it 2 days ago with 1 cup of distilled water and the soil is still pretty moist...
  13. S

    Is my plant healthy right now?

    Okay how often for water? Every 4 days or so
  14. S

    Is my plant healthy right now?

    Fox farm ocean forest
  15. S

    Is my plant healthy right now?

    Yeah the soil looks like that because with the low wattage of light there was some stretch so I buried some stem and its fresh soil, so can I water her with like a cup of water should I be looking for run off or would she be okay with just 1-2 cups?
  16. S

    Is my plant healthy right now?

    Broke dirt about a week ago turns out I didn't have enough light on it until today, only had 13 watts on it(I know stupid mistake) but now she's fine on light and I've only been misting it every few days I was told not to overwater I didn't know if I could water it with a cup of water yet or not
  17. S

    Is my plant healthy right now?

    im just wanting to know if my plant looks healthy as of right now? i think it looks fine i just need other opinions! the yellow tint on leaves is from the light so no worries there lol
  18. S

    Would this be okay?

    Thanks man you're a lifesaver!!!:D
  19. S

    Would this be okay?

    Here can you gauge off this?
  20. S

    Would this be okay?

    How should I water, mist it? Or actually pour water into it? And how much lol?