Search results

  1. E

    Designated grower in BC looking for patients

    Hi. my grower also hung it up and I have been searching since April for a new one. I have a 40g/day license but will accept whatever quantity you are able to produce. Please help.
  2. E

    Need Grower I'm in Vancouver, BC

    Hi I am looking to renew my license until the deadline March 31st. Due to the short time frame I have asked for 40g/day. I need pure organic sativa. From what I understand many growers like to produce in one batch, that would be fine as I can stockpile.
  3. E

    Have MMAR need a DG

    Excellent... Thank you kind sir! ;-)
  4. E

    Have MMAR need a DG

    My usual designated grower is no long able to supply my MMAR license of 5g/day. Therefore, I am looking for a new grower. My preference is Sativa. I have been looking for 2 months and am desperate since I can not afford the compassion club prices. Thanks.