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  1. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    I know the resolutions not that good but you see a 1/8 :confused:
  2. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    humidity mentioned why don't know no humidity problems, sorry for the resolution of the pics left my iphone isn't available right now, will update pics, grow turned out excellent really sticky buds, crystals nice smell, half pound 2 ounces all together very happy, #1 strain in the world...
  3. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    didn't have any humidity problems don't know why people saw that as a concern, sorry for the resolution of the pics left my iphone isn't available right now, will update pics, grow turned out excellent really sticky buds, crystals nice smell, half pound 2 ounces all together very happy, #1...
  4. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    I think it will do alright too
  5. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

  6. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

  7. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    thanks man
  8. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    will check that out, ty for the info
  9. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    got u there are other things that make the grow get the outcome of gram per watt, figured it was gram per watt of the wattage ballast you pick, beginner, air flow is good though as I try to keep door open as much as possible, but hopefully the ferts and the soil will do a little for me as I read...
  10. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    ty, chchhazed, 3.3 onces sounds on little on the underside compared to the info I learnt about a gram a watt and the vids I have seen not to mention the light I have, ty 4 da response
  11. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    ty, hoping on some good results
  12. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    I am growing strain tutankhamun and was wondering anyones estimates on what my final yeild will be. I have a 1000 watt light, using 50/50 happy from/ocean forest. I have grown before and I always figured I was missing something, I used flora series(micro/grow/bloom) for hydroponics and thought...
  13. kungfu1

    predictions on yeild

    I am growing strain tutankhamun and was wondering anyones estimates on what my final yeild will be. I have a 1000 watt light, using 50/50 happy from/ocean forest. I have grown before and I always figured I was missing something, I used flora series(micro/grow/bloom) for hydroponics and thought...
  14. kungfu1

    Help identifying whats goin on

    first time I ever used it was like when I put up this post cause I saw it could go in soil, thought it was only for water, but was wondering if I go with a 1/4 per gallon does it increase as I go on and how much so if you know?
  15. kungfu1

    Help identifying whats goin on

    So the flora series is not enough?
  16. kungfu1

    Help identifying whats goin on

    also are your replies also related to why they plant seems to be gettn taller @ such a slow rate also?
  17. kungfu1

    Help identifying whats goin on

    I have floramicro, grow, and bloom and just read they can be used for soil. I thought they were just for water. I just put some in a gallon jug, hope it will show a sign of some type of change soon.
  18. kungfu1

    Help identifying whats goin on

    Hey guys Got a grow going on and leaves towards the bottom of the plant seem to be yellowing. I am using a 1000 watt ballast and ocean forest with a mix of Happy frog 50/50. The plant seems to be taking a long time to grow it has been growing for 1 1/2 - 2 months and I would have just...
  19. kungfu1

    Transplanting Plant Just 1 Month Left

    Yeah I had already transplanted before even making the post, none of the dirt broke up when I transplanted it. You know how much of a better situation I put myself in like say I was going to get a pound from harvest and the pot size I moved it in is about 2 and 1/2 sizes bigger.
  20. kungfu1

    Transplanting Plant Just 1 Month Left

    Hey Fellas, I wanted to know if it is to late to transplant my plant into a bigger pot with only 1 month to go also if its not what type of benefit will the plant get from being put into a bigger pot the last month.