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  1. J

    First Time Grow Sour Diesel Haze, 60DayLemon, Bubblicious, Pineapple Punch & BerryRyd

    Thanks guys... I've given them some nutes.. Ill upload more pics as the weeks go by!
  2. J

    First Time Grow Sour Diesel Haze, 60DayLemon, Bubblicious, Pineapple Punch & BerryRyd

    I'm new to this and have potted 5 different strains all autoflowers I started off with a 250 cfl then moved to a 600 mh which I will switch to a 600hps... I am using house garden products and also bio bizz fish mix... They are looking ok I think but I noticed a slight yellowing at the end tips...
  3. J

    Hijack - Auto Seeds CFL/T5 Grow

    I am just starting a grow and wanted to know more on this topic... My soils ph says 6.6 (bio biz light mix) before I plant my seedlings would I need to soak the soil with a changed ph water or could I just add tap water... And if the waters ph level has to be changed, what ph do I change the...