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  1. weedywoodpecker

    What to do with rain?

    hey there, dont worry about rains. your plants are young and in vegging stage. so rain is no concern for root problems, molds or any of this kind. the only problem you might have is heavy rains that can break the branches. put them in a place with a roof on top, or just make some Improvised top...
  2. weedywoodpecker

    blue cheese flowering after only 5 weeks

    here are some low quality pics of the plant (7-8 weeks from seed)
  3. weedywoodpecker

    blue cheese flowering after only 5 weeks

    thanx guy for replies. i live in a desert area so i cant wait till may. temps here are around the hugh 90's on april and the get even up to 120-130f on july and august. i plant on late march every year' starting on the 20th when day/night are 12/12 and its going up to d14/n10 till june 20th then...
  4. weedywoodpecker

    blue cheese flowering after only 5 weeks

    i have a blue cheese plant that i started from seed on 3/20/2014, its now into third week of flowering. every thing looks great, plant is health and happy. its hight is about 60 cm. first outdoor grow for me. is that normal for blue cheese to flower after only 4-5 weeks of vegging (although it...
  5. weedywoodpecker

    Need sound advice (seedlings)

    you can just place somthing over the plants or move them to another place wich is rain safe. though if they are only 1.5 weeks old, rain is no problem so yo dont have to move them at all. plus' if you're gonna take them in for 2 weeks' you should think about the length of the day hours where you...
  6. weedywoodpecker

    Ready or not.

    best way to know if ready or not is by checking her under a microscope. size dont metter so does smell. just check for 40-50% amber and same for milky trichomes. dont cut her befor that no metter how thrilled you are. the last few weeks are nurve breaking days and she'll repay you for every day...
  7. weedywoodpecker

    moving plants from the inside out last stage of flowering

    cheers farmer the mature ones are totaly okay no polyn sacks tracked (i looked for those since day 1 outside) wether is now optimal for them and i can see some good recovery. new pistils are growing fast and i saw the start of planty of new trichomes. buds are rather small due to the drastic...
  8. weedywoodpecker

    moving plants from the inside out last stage of flowering

    thnx uncle. i checked on the trichomes yesterday. most of them are steel clear, some begin to turn milky. no amber yet. i was not freaked because of the trichs just because the cups were like 10ft from my growroom and lucky for me it was night so all the setup was quiet. i was worried about the...
  9. weedywoodpecker

    moving plants from the inside out last stage of flowering

    hey all, need some real advise/ i had a beautyful indor setup with 7 mature ladies and some 33 clones/ everything was great and the ladies where into their 7th week of flowering. last week the police raided on my neighbor's house and arrested him so neturaly i freaked and had to move the ladies...