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  1. G

    Warning to Santa Cruz County Patients....Granny Purps = moldy, mite infested clones.

    From just one trip inside this place I knew I would never return. Now you have just 100% solidified that.
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    Air- Pot Club

    Thanks to this thread I no longer plant with my Airpots upside down. This whole time I thought the closed holes were towards the bottom.... Derp
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    Santa Cruz? Halp?

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    Santa Cruz? Halp?

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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    Ok that is some what comforting. It smells a lot less funky than it did when I first mixed it. That is for sure. Ok thanks for all of the info man. Much appreciated.
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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    My Mix: 1 bag of roots organics soil 1/6th bag of roots soil-less mix 5 lbs EWC 10 oz fish bone meal 10 oz Happy Frog Bat Guano 10 oz blood meal 1.5 tbsp epsom salt 1 tbsp dolomite lime 1 tbsp azomite 3/4 tsp humic acid Perhaps the container isn't 100% sealed but its one of the most heavy duty...
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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    Yes I used sub's recipe. The recipe I saw from him didn't include any neem or crab meal so I did not add it. Safe to add it now with my insect issue or just start a new batch from scratch?
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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    :confused: Kind of why I made the thread....
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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    Yeah I have read several threads where people are adding the same thing. I guess another question I might have is should I mix those inoculants in to the current soil or just start a new batch? Thanks!
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    No Myco web on Super Soil

    Hi all! I have had a batch of super soil cooking outside in a sealed trash can for about 1 month now. I have been checking it about every 1-2 weeks and there is no myco web forming. The soil is being kept moist. Additionally I have noticed a lot of gnats in the soil. I figure these are fungus...
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    Issues with Super Soil Cooking

    Hi all! I have had a batch of super soil cooking outside in a sealed trash can for about 1 month now. I have been checking it about every 1-2 weeks and there is no myco web forming. The soil is being kept moist. Additionally I have noticed a lot of gnats in the soil. I figure these are fungus...
  12. G

    Early signs of nute burn?

    I have some dolomite lime. Is that what you mean by garden lime?
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    Early signs of nute burn?

    I got two completely opposite answers from two people. Any one else have advice by any chance?
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    Early signs of nute burn?

    There are no mites. Also the soil was not amended in any way. Just straight roots original soil. I also transplanted about 1 week ago so I should be surprised if I already need to add nutes. Right?
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    Early signs of nute burn?

    Yea I have only been giving them water so far. Can everyone see the issue in the pics? Maybe wondering if its possibly ca/mg def.
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    Early signs of nute burn?

    Hi there all! This is my first grow so sorry if I am being a bit cautious. My environment: 400w MH 73 degrees steady 50% humidity light approx 16 inches from canopy watering with pH of 6.5 These were clones in 1 inch rockwool cubes that were transplanted into 1 gallon pots about 1 week ago. I...
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    Newly transplanted clones, new growth yellow/curling

    So basically no change as of yet. I fear its on a slow path to death. Will go to the store tomorrow and get some just in case clones I guess..
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    Newly transplanted clones, new growth yellow/curling

    Ok. Not giving up yet! I had measured the PH of my water and it read about 6.5 which is pretty safe. However I wasn't measuring the PH of my solution after I added my nutrients and such. It was at 4.8! I got some PH Up/Down and am watering with correct PH as of last night. Also since I went 50%...
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    Newly transplanted clones, new growth yellow/curling

    Did I post something wrong to receive zero replies?
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    Newly transplanted clones, new growth yellow/curling

    Hi there ladies and gents! I recently got these clones from the dispensary about 5 days ago. 3 different strains, 4 clones in total. When I got them home I transplanted them into a 50/50 mix of soil/coco-perlite. The first day my temps got out of control and the plants hit 85 degrees...