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  1. bill2000

    Small program to calculate electricity cost

    How much will my electricity cost? While the mathematics are pretty standard, you need to know what the electricity costs are in your area. Than just enter the wattage & the number of hours Super-Grow Electricity Costs Calculator Enjoy BiLL2oo0
  2. bill2000

    Video that will answer your indoor question

    Hi When I did my first grow room I dit a lots of mistake but with the help of all those forum I manage to do lots less mistake. But when I found those four video I understood what people mean by there advise If you don't mind I would like to share those video with you There are in...
  3. bill2000

    Newbie question: Is this a practical, fair price and quality setup?

    Hey man it's a very good deal The only problem i can see is the heat in the tent You probably need a cool reflector system witch mean have the cold air pass truth your lamp You just need this item to be change the rest sound ok see my instation at...
  4. bill2000

    First Grow Tent Setup { pic }

    Pimpnitjc The fan is hold by 2 bar that sit on the frame of the tent not by the black strap
  5. bill2000

    First Grow Tent Setup { pic }

    it's just a strap
  6. bill2000

    First Grow Tent Setup { pic }

    what so sick about my setup just tell me so i can fix it thank's bill2000
  7. bill2000

    First Grow Tent Setup { pic }

    Yes it take out the air from the coolsun reflector ant the tent The fan push out a huge amount of air. This fan only uses 131 WATTS to move 440 Cubic feet of air per minute. Don't lose your time to isolate it for the noise it does not make a lot different
  8. bill2000

    First Grow Tent Setup { pic }

    Hi I just built my first grow room First I bouth a tent 4.5 x 4.5 x 7.5 feet 240.00$ can Then I built a double ballast for Mh & Hps 140.00$ I add a socket 10.00$ in my Coolsun Reflector 95.00$ The Bulb, Mh 60.00$ Hps 70.00$ I built a switch so I can chose witch bulb I want 10.00$ I add a air...
  9. bill2000

    All in 1 -Mh & Hps in on air reflector tube

    Hi I built a double balast with a switch that let me chose between Mh & Hps + 120v output Then I add in my CoolSun reflector a light bulb socket. So i plug my timer to the ballast the ventilation on my 120v output so my bult & ventilation is control by the timer. I put my switch to Mh for...
  10. bill2000

    Lighting cost (sorry other thread links just didnt work on my comp)

    If you want to know how much will cost just for the lightning go there Super-Grow Electricity Costs Calculator Enjoy BiLL2oo0
  11. bill2000


    Here a video of Chef Hans that show you how to make cannabutter. YouTube - Cooking With Cannabis PART-1....By JeremioDeuce Enjoy BiLL2oo0