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  1. ChillerThriller

    Could I grow a tomato plant exactly the same as I would grow a pot plant?

    1. Order greenhouse tomato seeds from Johny Select Seeds or other good seed Co. Outdoor tomato varieties will not do well indoors unless they are small fruited "patio" varieties. Trust F1 is a fine robust variety. They are expensive seed but so is genetically superior cannabis. 2. The plant...
  2. ChillerThriller

    400w Club-Show Off Your 400w Pride And Joy

    Here's my WW sitting in DWC at 24 Days of 12/12 in my open air 400hps flower power room. GH nutes, Floralicious Plus, FloraNectar, Liquid Kool Bloom and lots of TLC It's beginning to look like a white Christmas.
  3. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Nikon was my choice simply because of the backward compatibility with the hundreds of vintage Nikon lenses available out there. The old lenses are larger diameter than the new digital camera lenses (the ccd sensor is small compared to 35mm film) therefore allowing you to use the higher quality...
  4. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Gotta go now, Heres Looking at you my friends.
  5. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Believe me, with a little balsamic vinegar, EVOO, salt and pepper they were delish.
  6. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Ever grow tomatoes in your living room? The famous "Trust" tomato cultivar at just 60 days. This is a single truss experiment whereby plants are stopped after just one truss of fruit and then subjected to high ppm nutrient regiment to produce sugars, acids, dry matter content and overall...
  7. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Wash you berries. Found this little devil crawling from seed to seed. Wonder how may we unknowingly eat.
  8. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    One of my most popular and most often stolen photo on the net.
  9. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Water Lily
  10. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Bug Juice anyone?
  11. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    Rather not. Here's my Mac setup: At the end is a 50mm f/1.8 nikkor attached to a 52mm -52mm macro adapter ring with male threads on both ends. The other end of the adaptor is attached to an older 105mm f/2.8 micro-nikkor in such a manner that the 50mm is reverse-mounted on the front end of the...
  12. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    No google. It's from my photo page on I have a macro set there.
  13. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    And one of our best friends. Already snowing in just two weeks of 12/12
  14. ChillerThriller

    Macro photos thread--any macro pics

    In you face. Our old friend the house fly. Disgusting little mofo wouldn't you say?
  15. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    $15.00 - $20.00, I don't remember. It's just to stir up the nutes so really doesn't matter what size so long as the nutes stay in motion/mixed.
  16. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    Not the original pump. I have a larger fountain type pump laying on its side to simply stir up the nutes and two large air stones for oxygenation.
  17. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    Works beautiful up to a point. I vegged to a good size using stock AG and Stock flouros which everyone seems to think suck, when in fact they are more than sufficient for vegging. The plants grew short and stocky. I was going to flower in a cabinet under CFL but when I did the math on two...
  18. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    Moved Big Bud AG into a low roughneck 10 gal. Cut the top to fit the AG base, roots hung to high off water, didn't want to run 7-8 gals of nutes so just sat the AG in around 4 gals. and put some skirts around the gals. Right hand girl is White Widow gal. There were two but I pulled the other...
  19. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    Because I have the money, time and motivation to try whatever the fuck I want. I could have easily put the weed in my EuroGrower seen here just before harvest of my Hybrid F1 Trust greenhouse tomatoes. Or in one of my three ebb and flows or one of two aeroponic systems, all of which are...
  20. ChillerThriller

    Aerogarden club

    Moved the Big Bud girl under 400 HPS. Looks like she is going to be all by herself for this first grow. The two Widows in the 2nd AG appear to be boys. I was hoping for one girl and one male to make Widow and Widow X Big Bud seed. I'll have to settle for Widow X Big Bud seed to try after I...