Search results

  1. UVI

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    Blake Griffin has already been playing phenomenal, so has DJ (For what he was expected to play like). I really think this is time for Darren C and Jamal C to really score and create for their team. Lebron is going to be one of the best players ever to play the game. As for next year? I think...
  2. UVI

    My surreal artwork tell me what you think?

    The 1st and the 3rd one are insane! Great work
  3. UVI

    Final Song

    If someone told you that the last song you listened to was going to be the last piece of music you'd ever hear and remember ever again, which song would it be? Post it below, I'm curious if people pick bangers, songs with sentimental value, feel good songs, sad songs. SHHHHHTTT:joint:
  4. UVI

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    Robin Lopez has been playing solid this year. Way past my expectations for him, not close to one of the leagues top centers though lol. DJ has been playing great too this year. Leading the league in blocks, career highs in points and (I think) rebounds, hes alright. Oh most definitely I would...
  5. UVI

    So you wake up tomorrow and you're the last person on Earth...

    I would definitely hit a bowl and relax because I'd be freaking the fudge out! Umm, I would gather my emotions together, actually look for others out of curiosity. I would learn how to crop, find a nice spot for all of that work. Find a nice estate for my living, use gas generators for about...
  6. UVI

    I don't know if anyone noticed...

    Personally, Im an avid movie watcher and this year was amazing for cinema no doubt. First, Gravity was ridiculous. I saw it, High of course :lol: and it was like I was in space, and not because i was high. It was exactly what space looks like in my head, like they were actually up there filming...
  7. UVI

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    Yeah but 2 things. 1, Rubio and Pekovic are performing horribly according to their expectations. 2, You cannot seriously compare Love, Pekovic, Martin, Rubio against Aldridge, Lillard, Batum, Matthews, Robin Williams and Mo Williams lol. I do admit, they are really playing together, that...
  8. UVI

    solo or social. smoker?

    I really like smoking with people because of the experience, it seems doubled because of whoever is getting high with you. But there is nothing like hitting a nice bowl alone and chilling the hell out without worrying about socializing or falling asleep on your friends lol. I also HATE sharing...
  9. UVI


    LOOL! That's actually a smart confession though
  10. UVI

    "Of The Year" Thread

    I don't know where you're looking man, Kendrick is near Lyricist of the year. I know features mean nothing, But I based that category off verses and LYRICS haha. So yeah, Kendrick didnt have an album but all of his verses combined, Lyricist of the year. And I dont think you understand when I...
  11. UVI

    What Are You Listening To?
  12. UVI

    So, you think you have guts.................

    Holy hell, I was sitting on my rolling chair watching it! So when I was dazed into it I rolled the chair, when the guy was at the very top and I felt like I fell off. Insane!
  13. UVI

    How to get MORE high?

    Im pretty high, thinking... Nothing beats the first month or two of smoking weed. Thing is, after about 5 months, I don't even really get "high" anymore. I've been told to do a tolerance break, Smoke more etc.. But, with weed, what can get me as high as I can with this tolerance. Kief...
  14. UVI


    I thought this was gonna have hate written all over it but it's actually really chill. I feel like the biggest coward. Me and my dad rarely speak or see each other. Not because we dont want to, its just because we dont make the effort and all. But he's done some stuff that made me really...
  15. UVI

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    haha Yeah I hate talking about things that dont matter in basketball. lol you have too that's who your hometown hero is right now basically! I just think him leading his team to #1 is impressive and all but that's not individual performance based you know? Like yeah they're winning but look at...
  16. UVI

    "Of The Year" Thread

    Kendrick had features on literally everyone's song and came with verses no one could touch which is why i said LYRICIST. No album but he still released songs, hes the most relevant rapper next to Drake and Cole maybe, no one touches kendrick otherwise. Don't get me wrong, Krit's album was nice...
  17. UVI

    "Of The Year" Thread

    Fucking hate New Years but I love doing stuff like this at the end of the year. So here it is, ANY GENRE, ANY ALBUM, ANYTHING MUSIC. Mine will be in [these] brackets. Only rule is that it had to be released in 2013. And please, make this about YOUR favorites, not the medias. Dont hate on each...
  18. UVI

    Kevin Love or Lamarcus Aldridge?

    This makes me so angry that people compare these two players. But since this is my first post on a WEED site, ill be chill about it haha :blsmoke: I think Kevin Love. You can make an argument that Lamarcus is leading his team to #1 in the NBA, but that shit dont matter if its being judged on...