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  1. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    What's your lumen sweet spot?
  2. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    Im only at 2k lumens. People suggested that I pull the light away. I'm thinking about lowering again
  3. K

    Identifying deficiency

    It was pale and light green. It grew really good for a week until I started seeing the spots that are turning brown in some places
  4. K

    Identifying deficiency

    Hey happy growers, There's yellow scattered spots all over with browning spots. I repotted it in promix herbs and vegetables mix and a couple scoops cow manure with composted humus. Not sure if excess watering is the culprit here. It's worth mentioning that the plant had been line green for a...
  5. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    Thanks for your reply. I'll keep you posted in few days.
  6. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    Here are the pics. At this point I don't know what I'm doing. Everyone is giving a different answer
  7. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    Sorry I thought I replied. Real wattage is 270 w max. Mix of organic soil and coco with a shit load of perlite. There's new growth on the lower branches that are in turn growing taller. I went from 5 stagnant colas to almost 10 more. But what baffles me are the tips that refuse to open. Thr...
  8. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    I water on the third day. 2 or 3 dry days. The package says 1000 watt LED. But after investigation I realized it's only 270 watt really watch MAX. I grow in a mix of organic coco and peat with a shit load of perlite. I never water until I'm sure that the pot is light.
  9. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    As matter of fact it's not 1000k as I thought. Real wattage is barely 265 watt. Note that I see the lower branches reaching up and growing whereas the tips are still there a week before my initial post here
  10. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    Is 30 inches away good for 1000w LED?
  11. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    I have had rapid growth with the light at the same distance. How far should I position the light away from the canopy? I'm using an app to measure the LUX. How may lux is safe for my plants?
  12. K

    Stunted growth week 8 vegetation

    My plant is not growing anymore. The new growth has been at this stage for about a week now. It's feminized seaweed with 1000 watt hps at 30cm away in an organic mix or coco and peat moss. Humidity 50% and I feed at 6PH but soil test at 7ph. What am I doing wrong to cause a stunted growth?