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  1. jdub555

    Does anybody know a seed bank selling single seeds?

    attitude seedbank FOR SURE bro!!! awesome delivery and I never got a bean that wouldn't sprout
  2. jdub555

    What does a 11 leaf marijuana plant tell me.. Help

    file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/friends/My%20Documents/My%20Pictures/potpix/HPIM1371.JPG 11 point leaves..... I had these on a female MediBud plant...
  3. jdub555

    Liquid karma (hydroponics) or nirvana.....

    I was just wanting some experienced opinion or insight into which of these additives is better? thanks HIPPY NEW YEAR!!!
  4. jdub555

    Medi Bud

  5. jdub555

    Planet Wax?

    I also have ordered from these people, I got a great deal and great seeds..... dont believe the bullshit from negative people, they get what they deserve
  6. jdub555

    growth rates

    WOW!! love the out-of-the-box thinking... a friend approached me trying to get me to go with 6on 6off 6on 6off and I was like WTF? have you ever heard of someone trying that?
  7. jdub555

    Experienced Electrician! Here to Answer Any and All Growroom Electrical Questions

    wow... nice setup, I'd like to see the babies they control..........
  8. jdub555

    3 Medi-Bud Hydro 900Watts CFL

    My friends are just finished setting up there cfl grow room... I wired up all the lights for'em, taught them the basics and hooked them up with 20 some rooted clones..... They are going to do great under the cfl it looks like from yours....
  9. jdub555

    Medi Bud

    I have some pix posted of my medi bud grow k.... If you have specific questions i can try to answer.... As far as the comment on medi bud being sensitive to nutes; i ran mine at 1600ppm for 3 days before flowering (not entirely on purpose) and didn't have a single burnt tip...