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  1. A

    How much she should still flower?

    If it was me, id be in there with my babies doing jumping jacks, rubbing my hands together whatever to generate some heat. gas powered portable heater? good luck man
  2. A

    Seed refuses to end its role?

    Yea, the retard helmet is totally what i see... So perfect. Thanks for the info.
  3. A

    Seed refuses to end its role?

    So i recently ordered some blackjack seeds, i planted 10, had 7 sprout up like champs on the third day. But one of those seven, the seed didn't fall apart. And now Iv'e got like a 3 inch or so green stem, leading to a seed.. and yea, no leafs.... Can i break away the seed, and hope the...
  4. A

    First timer and i over watered =(

    I over watered my plant, Im at day 9, and two of leaves are browning at the tips. One jagged, one round. I currently have it dry, and im going to give it at least another 30 hours before i water again. The plant at the moment doesn't seem.. close to death in any way, other than the tips...