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  1. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    up for some more replies :)
  2. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    Here are some updated pics. About on week 8 since 12/12. The pics are from 3 different plants. Kronic, any guess of how long?
  3. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    That one worked. Thanks!
  4. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    The link didn't work for me. Said page was unavailable. Any guess to what I would yeild after dry? These plants are all about 30 in. tall.
  5. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    It's from bagseed, so not sure on that. It's 7 weeks since I changed the lights. They showed sex probably a week after. I'm really on week 8 now, those pictures are about a week old. I'll try to get a camera to take more later tonight.
  6. N

    7 Weeks Flowering. Harvest close?

    Just curious at how close to harvest I am. These have been flowering for 7 weeks under a 250w HPS.
  7. N

    Nutes Question

    Awesome guys thanks for the info. xplosive thanks for the offer. Once I get some money up i'm going to shoot you a PM. Growone- That recipe sounds great. I'm going to get going on making some of that now. Your plant looks amazing! Thanks again for the tip!:mrgreen:
  8. N

    Nutes Question

    Yea I didn't want to go the MG way, but I have gone all over the place near me and can't find anywhere with some decent soil or nutes. I plan on ordering some stuff offline soon, but this will have to do for now. The MG says 1 tablespoon per 2 feet, so should I put in 1 tablespoon per gallon?
  9. N

    Nutes Question

    Well I had to get some nutrients and the only thing I can find near me is Miracle Gro. So I went and bought some Miracle Gro Bone Meal. 6-9-0. At the moment i've got 10 plants all almost 4 weeks in solo cups. Will be transfering soon to better soil and bigger pots. How much of the Bone Meal...
  10. N

    Bag seed closet grow, need recomendations!

    Looks like i'm about one the same schedule as you. My plants look similar and I just started giving them nutes. Have you started that yet?
  11. N

    Leaves Turning Yellow

    I'll give it a try. Thanks!
  12. N

    Leaves Turning Yellow

    Alright sweet. Is it cool if I wait 2-3 days before I get them, gotta wait on my paycheck. And any suggestions on what to use?
  13. N

    Leaves Turning Yellow

    The plants are about 3 weeks old and now the bottom leaves are starting to turn yellow on all of the plants. I'm running 18/6. Soil is MG Moisture Control and am using 6 23w CFLs for 8 plants. I'm soon going to weed out the ones that aren't doing as well so I only plan to finish with 2-3
  14. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    Update: Day 8: I have now purchased 4 26 watt CFL lights and am during a 24/0 schedule
  15. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    I've got an old desktop I could take one out of for a while till I get something else.
  16. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    So I just figured out i'm retarded (actually I have known that) but the soil I have been using IS moisture control. I didn't even realize it until just now.
  17. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    The Y splitters are my plan. I couldn't find them at wal-mart so I need to figure out where the nearest Lowes or Home Depot is I suppose. I'm also going to pick up a fan so I can stick the kids in the closet. Wayyy to hot in there without a fan so i've been keeping them in the middle of a room...
  18. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    It's the fixture that I have the bulbs in. Cone shaped metal, like something that you would use outside. The cones are almost touching the cups. I'm going to renovate my set up in the next few days.
  19. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    Cool appreciate the advice. I probably will go with the Moisture Control when I replant them. Should I go ahead and move them into it, or will they be fine for maybe a week or so? Also here's an update: Day 7: 11 total have sprouted. A couple of them are already 2-3 in. tall and I assume...
  20. N

    New Thread, New Farmer

    I don't believe i'm going to stick with MG since just about everything i've read has said to stay away from it. I figure i'll wait another week or so before I transport them to new soil/pots. Any suggestions for my next soil? Regarding the lights, I think i'm going to use the CFL route since I...