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  1. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    its been a while since the last post... i am read to cut the top plot of the plant because mmost fo the pistils have turned to 75% amber my goal is to cut down all the amber flowers and allow all the flowers that are not quite ready to grow further and give me a constant production of bud...
  2. banesbong

    Are these buds too small? (pics)

    the plants look nice... very healthy...i would say give it some time... do some research..there are plenty of articles on here about growing from seed 12/12, although i have never attempted.. good luck
  3. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    just checked out the ladies...i have is growing super strong and fast and the buds willl prob be ready in a bout a month... the other two are growing slower but are developing... pics soon to follow...
  4. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    found a new home for the ladies... so ill have updated pics on them in a few days wen i go back to them...
  5. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    well its a good thing i didnt go chopping away at all my hard work... it turns out i might be able to move the plants to a new location... any tips on the transfer would be appreciated as i cant just walk them over in plane sight to their new location
  6. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    so the landlord is making me get rid of the plants...ill prob be cutting them down tomorrow cuz i got nowhere to put them... ill post pics of them before they're destroyed =[
  7. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    Blueybong...yes i have two is a higher red spectrum...and the other is a higher blue give the plants a full spectrum... i have 7 plants now and they have been flowering for almost a full two weeks.... i just found out today while im away from the grow for the...
  8. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    you can start with clones in this system...
  9. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    nah no sex yet... im thinkin that around sunday they will start to show..that will be a full 2 wks of 12/12...
  10. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    here are some updated pics i just took... 8th day flowering... plants have already nearly double in size...
  11. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    the change in the ph i didnt really far as the color change in my last grow the roots changed to a red/pinkish including the feed tubes... that hasnt happened in this grow yet... i suspect it will in time...
  12. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    yea...ive just put them into flowering last week...still waiting to see some sex...and then ill go from there...i dont expect all females but im hoping...
  13. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    a pic from the other day...
  14. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    not sure if it helps... but i dont think it hurts...i kno its not good to allow any light to get to the rez to avoid algae and shit...
  15. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    just put the ladies into flowering... trying to keep these plants small for timing reasons... any advice for a big harvest with small plants? ill post some pics in the morning...
  16. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    here's a few pics... some from a few days ago... the others i just took... its been just over two weeks that they have been in the system... u can see that some of the plants are topped.... i think im going another week...and then putting them into flowering...
  17. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    well right now the plants are still small..the smell is stong but isnt that strong...especially with the door closed and for now is easily combated with a candle.... when the plants begin to flower they will produce a very strong odor... ive never used but have heard carbon...
  18. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    yea...that was from my first grow... the lights were the dual spectrum II....they were the biggest one they had at the time..havent been on their site in a while so im not sure if they got anything new.... i dont member the cycles exactly...i veg'd for about 4-6 wks if i member correctly...and...
  19. banesbong

    Growing good so far...

    post some pics... and the answers will flow..
  20. banesbong

    stealth hydro...2nd grow...spectrum differences

    the grow room in this grow was a lot more ghetto then it is now... it was simply a nook in my room that i put a blanket over... just kinda did it to see what i could do and what would happen... live and learn...