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  1. L

    Keep cats off houseplants??!?!?!

    the spray bottle is def not working our cats are crackheads for water ... seriously will lick out of the faucet ... so when we spray the asshole stands there and opens his mouth.. day times and summer are ok but i've got em in for winter and the damn cats think bedtime is opening of the all...
  2. L

    Keep cats off houseplants??!?!?!

    HAHAHA cat kabob!
  3. L

    best time to top???

    when's the best time to top??? before feed?? after feed?? how many weeks in?? thanks
  4. L

    Keep cats off houseplants??!?!?!

    anyone have some good ideas for keeping cats off houseplants??? I've done citrus peels and citrus spray but they just munch em up anyways.....
  5. L

    optimal cfm for 100 cubic ft?????

    word!! i appreciate all the advice that's exactly what i was looking for...
  6. L

    optimal cfm for 100 cubic ft?????

    4 ft each wall and 6 1/2 ft ceiling
  7. L

    optimal cfm for 100 cubic ft?????

    Just wondering if there was a breakdown for optimal air movement of 100 cubic feet of grow space????? odor is not an issue just wanting to move the right amount for plants