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  1. QueenKush DaBoss


    I have a few 1000w hps/mh lights and ballasts and I was just wondering am I going to be better off doing what I am doing by cramming plants in soil in my rooms or would bubble be the way to go. I just like how clean the setup is and the roots that you get out of it are insane. However is the...
  2. QueenKush DaBoss

    Is this my first MALE??? + Rep URGENT!!

    Its a boy congrats!!!!! If you actually wanna utilize it you can use it to harvest seeds just let it make some sweet plant lovin to a female. So it is good and bad. Bad if its your only plant, or you don't need seeds.
  3. QueenKush DaBoss

    DillWeed's 2009 summer grow journal: Two Lbs. or Bust! (2x1000 watt HPS in grow tent)

    Those were some massive ass kolas on your last run man. Congrats Im sure you will smash shit this run too. Good Luck.
  4. QueenKush DaBoss

    Offensive Avatars

    Well I just feel that there are better things that the person could be doing. I don't feel that anything should be allowed and I just think that everyone just worries too much about everything. Let the immature be immature because they prove how incompetent they are by their actions. I can go on...
  5. QueenKush DaBoss

    Building single-plant growbox, I want your opinions!

    It just depends what kind of bulbs you are using because I had a cfl that got hotter than a mofo and I also had some that were more of a bluish color that gave off no heat.
  6. QueenKush DaBoss

    Offensive Avatars

    make your request section what the fuck are you talking about I just joined this forum today to check it out
  7. QueenKush DaBoss

    Offensive Avatars

    Ok point understood. I just feel that people have too much fucking time on their hands when they could be utilizing this site for its primary use which is to talk about growing mj. I am sure that there are people that go through deleting inappropriate pics and whatnot. So why don't you all just...
  8. QueenKush DaBoss

    Offensive Avatars

    Im not saying that anything does go cuz this is a mj site I was just saying how can someone go and complain about something so stupid when there are more exciting topics to talk about
  9. QueenKush DaBoss

    Could you get good seeds from a plant like this?

    However I don't feel you should waste your time with your herm tho you should just get some dollars and go buy some seeds or clones of the same strain and start over again.
  10. QueenKush DaBoss

    Could you get good seeds from a plant like this?

    I agree with unhallowed. Take a little bit of the color of your lingo sir. haha.
  11. QueenKush DaBoss

    Could you get good seeds from a plant like this?

    I think you can get seeds from it however I would recommend that you give it a decent amount of light you don't need a ton but it cant be shaded all the time. And the seeds could come out slightly different than its sisters.
  12. QueenKush DaBoss

    Day 62 flower, are they done?

    Keep it going just flush the plants out here soon if not use some finishing nutes for a week then flush em for the last week. Def give it 2 weeks tho you don't want to cut early be patient it will pay off.
  13. QueenKush DaBoss

    leaf problem

    Just let the plant(s) dry out pretty good so they are as dry as possible without harming the plants then give them half the water you did before and if you are using nutrients just use straight water the next watering. And you also may wanna check and see if you are using too much nutrient cuz...
  14. QueenKush DaBoss

    leaf problem

    If they are still wet you may have over watered I am doing a soil setup as well and my buddy who does all hydro decided he was gonna show me how to water cuz he is more experienced than me. However what he showed me was a perfect example of how to overwater and I knew he did so I disregarded...
  15. QueenKush DaBoss

    Offensive Avatars

    You are in a forum about marijuana and you are complaining about an offensive avatar. Get a life man and lighten up. Or if you feel the need to report call 1-800-BSQ-UARE.