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  1. L - Shut down?

    Hey, update for anyone who's still looking at this thread maybe. Apparently some ISP's are running preliminary trials for the clean feed. Basically blocking certain websites the government feels are 'inappropriate' and cannacom was one of them and apparently icmag as well...
  2. L - Shut down?

    Glad I'm in oz then. And don't grow lol. Must've been that guy sitting outside my house with his laptop. So yeah, maybe it is people from other countries? Man, that sucks if I have to join rollitup now. No offense at all, just that I got all cozy over there. All those posts unanswered...
  3. L - Shut down?

    Hey, just signed up here quickly to reply to this. I've has the same problem. Haven't been able to get on for like a week. But the main site still works, just not the forums.... I get this message. Database Error Database error The Cannabis Forums Message Boards - Medical Marijuana...