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  1. B

    sick plants, please help

    anyone got any ideas what the problem is?
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    sick plants, please help

    Hi everyone, first thanks for taking the time to look and if possible help, first some info about my grow but if you need more just ask, I must also point out that I am a novice and this is only my second grow, first were autos and these are normal femenised I have just finished my 5th week of...
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    looking good mate :)
  4. B

    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    hi anyone got any ideas on this one please thanks
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    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    thanks max for the reply, any thoughts on what it could be?
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    Is This Magnesium Deficiency?

    Hi I hope somone can help me with this, there is one plant in my grow area that has been getting worse in regards to some of the leaves going brown, crispy and curling up (see pictures) I have done some searching and from what I have seen my guess is that it is magnesium deficiency I have added...