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  1. M

    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    please elaborate on the meaning of "flowering"... PISTILS OR BUDS?
  2. M

    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    dam. the guy has more stuff to buy now. ph strips and a microscope. thanks for sharing.
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    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    by "flowering" do you mean the two pistils indicating female sex or do you mean actual BUDS? please elaborate on the meaning of "flowering" because the guy already notices clear pistils on two of the three plants. the guy only wanted to do a small time grow (limited space) with 3 plants so he...
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    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    thanks for the advice so far
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    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    yeah, but the NEW soil in the tranplanted 3 gall container is NEW soil and has nutes already in it. it has been only 10 days since transplant so if one starts adding 1/4 bloom nutes now won't that cause nutrient burn?
  6. M

    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    actually, the guy transplanted, gave the plant 3 days of regular 18/6 vege and THEN switched to 12/12 flower. so you are saying that one would have to add the bloom nutes right now? there are nutes already in the soil and its only been 10 days since transplant. won't this cuz nutrient burn...
  7. M

    Fox Farm Soil 1 mo. Nutes

    if one were to have transplanted root bound plants from 1 gall to 3 gall containers and the grow medium is fox farm ocean forest one would guess that one would NOT have to add any nutes during the flowering stage for one whole month correct? one would guess that due to fox farm already having a...
  8. M

    plants not drying out together.

    Yeah, the 3 are in 1 gallon nursery right now, but they dry out at different rates. Man, a female might not even pop up. option 1: Water them ALL at the same time waiting for the last one to dry out. Some plants might be awful thirsty for a couple days or so. option 2: Water them each as...
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    plants not drying out together.

    Should one just water them all seperately as needed in the sink and wait until all the excess water drains out and then put it back in grow spot?
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    plants not drying out together.

    one waters the 3 plants together at the same time. watering evenly as possible. making sure to drench them until it runs through the bottom however, when they dry out, they DO NOT dry out together. some have crusty dry top layers (i wait until this happens to water again) and some are still a...
  11. M

    spray water bottle.

    also it seems logical to only mist your foliage when LIGHTS OUT cuz one should be aware of the water intensifying the heat from the light. one could be highly wrong though so pointers and corrections please.
  12. M

    spray water bottle.

    one would believe after some research that spraying might cause mold during the flowering stages. one would also conclude that you can go the WHOLE way with NEVER spraying the foliage. also, one would conlclude that if you were to spray the foliage it should prolly be done only during...
  13. M

    spray water bottle.

    is it accurate that you should NOT spray leaves while under light? leaves brown spots? so if one were to NEVER use a spray bottle on plant itself and ONLY water the soil with nutrients what would be the outcome? if one were hobby growing 2 plants... thanks... :-P
  14. M

    germd N planted, but...

    Ben succ. germinated using cup of water method. planted just as white tip root poked out of shell 1/4" - 1/2" under soil and watered thoroughly ENOUGH to have water come out drainage holes. some seeds got planted root sideways not root down, but that should be ok. however, the T5 floros used...
  15. M

    hanging fan/filter in grow tent?

    attached pic: 1) see those 2 black straps securing the carbon air filter in place? what are those 2 black straps called and where would one be able to buy them? 2) how on earth is that heavy inline fan being supported or held in position? thanks :-o
  16. M

    Ben's last questions about exhausting

    so Ben has a grow space of 2.7' X 2.7' X 5.25'. it is a Secret Jardin dr80 tent Ben wanted to buy this fan / filter combo, but had some questions. Q1: 170 cfm for such a small tent size seems like too much...
  17. M

    optimal cfm for 100 cubic ft????? hope that helps a little, but my buddy too had questions about exhausting...
  18. M

    Please review Zeke’s grow tent size decision

    cost is an issue, so 1 tent and keeping things real simple with autoflowering is a good thing for Zeke (he might do traditional growing in the future who knows?) anyway, he decided on these lights or something similar so please let him know what you think...
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    Please review Zeke’s grow tent size decision

    Z wanted to use t5 floros because it gets real hot upstairs even with AC on during summers. he has no way to vent to outside of house via ducting because he doesnt feel like putting holes in the walls of the house. so t5s low running temp (he can just exhaust filtered air to the room in which...
  20. M

    Please review Zeke’s grow tent size decision

    thanks! but if Zeke went with a T5 floro lights and was AutoFlowering, when would he know which stage the plant is in so he could use the correct bulbs. Z wouldnt want to still be using grow bulbs when the plant needs the flowering light bulbs.