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  1. B

    Did something really stupid, and don't know what to do next.

    I was really stressed at work, so I pulled up to a beach in my van, and decided to smoke weed, as I've done in the past. So, at a 4 way, I turned the wrong way, and scraped the side of my door into someone's lights. They looked well off, and it was a nice car. Well, this isn't the worst of it...
  2. B

    Sprouts drooping over

    That book looks amazing, thankyou. I've gotten advice elsewhere to water them, as they're drying out. Will see if that helps. If not, have more seeds, will read that in its entirety, and then try again.
  3. B

    Sprouts drooping over

    This must be the fifth time I've tried to start from seeds. Before I start, I must ask, are most plants supposed to be this finicky, or is it just hydroponics in general which is so? From the minimal amount of plants I've tried to grow in the past (lettuce, wild dagga, cat grass) they've all...